Hopes International travel could return within months

Australia’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout sparks new hopes International travel could return within months thanks to Air New Zealand. Air New Zealand has started trialing a vaccine passport, an app that will give passengers current information on tests and vaccines needed to enter their destination. While passengers will still carry verified copies of their COVID-19 test results, Air New

Mining Giant's annual report investigates company's blasting

Mining giant Rio Tinto’s annual report shows Michael L’Estrange, the board member tasked with investigating the company’s blasting of Western Australia’s Juukan Gorge last year, received a forty six per cent raise in director’s fees for heading the inquiry. Rio Tinto blasted the forty six thousand year old Juukan Gorge rock caves as part of a mining excavation project last year, prompting international outcry due to the site’s cultural significance to Indigenous Australians. 

Princess Alexandra Hospital to become a hub for COVID-19 vaccine

The Princess Alexandra Hospital in Wooloongabba is set to become one of Queensland’s 6 hubs for the rollout of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine hubs are spread around Queensland to ensure the vaccine can reach those in need quickly, including frontline health workers and aged care residents. In a statement, state health minister Yvette D’Ath said the strict limitations on storage, transport and

New tech to deeper understand how animals see

The University of Queensland’s scientists have developed an ultraviolet ‘television’ display, aiming to help researchers better understand how animals see the world.

Standard monitors have been used previously, but none have been able to test ultraviolet vision - the ability to see wavelengths of light shorter than 400 nanometres.