Queensland introduces new funds to support touring artists

The Queensland government has announced new spending and support for touring artists in an effort to quell the effects of COVID-19 on the arts industry.

Queensland’s Minister for the Arts Leanne Enoch says the Queensland government will inject 8.5 billion dollars into the state’s economy and support more than 92,000 jobs for Queenslanders.

Tasmanian museum to return cultural artefacts to Traditional Owners

The Royal Society of Tasmania and the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery will today apologise to the state's Aboriginal communities for stealing and mistreating cultural heritage for more than a century.

Apology would be brought by bringing back traditional owners the 14,000 years old ancient rock art out of the museum collection and back to its home at Preminghana in the state's far north west.

Earthquake hits Japan

In Japan, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake has struck the eastern coast, leaving millions without power and triggering a landslide.

According to Japan’s Cabinet Secretary Katsunobo Kato, casualties and structural damage are being assessed and at this stage 100 people have been injured.

Outbreak of Ebola in Guinea

An outbreak of Ebola has just been declared in Guinea, with three recorded deaths since 2016.

According to Guinea’s health Chief, Sakoba Keita, the Conakry laboratory confirmed the presence of the Ebola virus early Sunday morning. 

Gina Vanderpump - Miss Sportsman Hotel

The highly prized "Miss Sportsman Hotel" is on this Saturday, February 13 2021, with contestants performing at least one number in tribute to the many, legendary queens of the silver screen. Reigning Miss Sportsman Hotel, Miss Gina Vanderpump sweeps into the studio with Michael, James and Blair trailing in her glorious wake!

Rivermouth: Subtropical Metropolis?

<span><span><em>- Subtropical Metropolis?</em> is the first full length album from Brisbane jazz/poetry band Rivermouth. It’s been a while coming – we have only seen a couple of singles from the band since their debut EP in 2013. </span></span>

<span><span>They do have a valid excuse for the delay, mind you. Lyricist and vocalist <strong>Jonathan Sri </strong>is in his second term as a city councillor, and is also kept busy being the public figure the state’s right wing media love to hate.</span></span>