Italy COVID study shows cases prior to pandemic

A study conducted by Italy’s National Cancer Institute has shown that coronavirus may have emerged in the country last September, months before it was first detected in China. Researchers have said this means the virus might have spread beyond China earlier than the first recorded case in February. Co-author of the study, Giovanni Apolone said “coronavirus can circulate among the population with a low rate of lethality… only to surge again.”

Violence escalates in Ethiopia

34 people have been killed by gunmen in western Ethiopia as violence between the Ethiopian government and the Tigray region escalates. Tigray forces have also fired rockets at an airport in neighboring country Eritrea’s capital. As a result of the escalating violence, over 20,000 Ethiopians have fled as refugees into Sudan.


Health groups pen environmental letter to PM

A coalition of 29 health groups has penned an open letter to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, calling for urgent action on climate change. The groups, including the Public Health Association of Australia and the Australian Epidemiological Association, have warned at its current trajectory, Australia faces “existential threats to humanity.” In the letter, the groups say the government must listen to science and health experts to avoid future health and environmental disasters.

Adelaide COVID cluster grows to 17

The Adelaide COVID cluster has grown to 17 after a quarantine worker infected family members. Multiple schools and a fast-food restaurant have been closed for decontamination and contract tracing is underway after an 80-year old woman visited multiple places including a hospital and supermarket while infected. In a backflip on border restrictions, Western Australia has reintroduced mandatory 14-day quarantine for travelers from South Australia.

Year 12 graduations affected by COVID restrictions

As more COVID restrictions ease across the state tomorrow, most high schools have imposed a strict cap on family attendance at year 12 graduations this week. Schools that have tried to ban guests all together were met with public outrage, and have since found new venues that guests can attend. The Department of Education said it was up to principals to make appropriate graduation decisions in line with health advice.

Fraser Island bushfire warning downgraded

Warnings for a bushfire burning on Fraser Island have been downgraded to an ‘advice’ level after firefighters gained control of the blaze which has been burning for a month. Thought to be started by an illegal campfire, the fire forced the evacuation of ten camping zones over the weekend. Those who remain in the area are advised to monitor local radio and prepare to act on fire plans.

Egoism: On Our Minds

- Egoism are an indie-pop duo out of Sydney. No-one ever said you need to overthink indie-pop, just hit them with the bubblegum hooks and reel ‘em in. Egoism certainly knows how to do that, but there’s just something else, a sophisticated quality, the barest hint of bitter in the sweetness and it makes everything more. That may be missing the point though, because when the new EP, On Our Minds, gets those hooks into you, wow, you’re gone. 

Kylie Minogue: Disco

<p><span><span>- If you reached for a packet of chocolate-chip biscuits on the supermarket shelf and on opening it at home, you’d be disappointed to find it containing plain water crackers; or on uncorking a fine Barossa Valley shiraz and decanting it only to discover you were about to down a less than impressive Semillon, you’d be questioning the quality of the labelling and packaging. So when clicking play on Kylie Minogue’s fifteenth studio album titled <em>Disco</em>, you are not expecting to get a serving of experimental grimecore or thumping death metal.

Recount begins in Bundaberg and Nicklin.

The Electoral Commission of Queensland has approved an LNP request for a recount of votes cast in the Bundaberg and Nicklin electorates, during this month’s general election.

The request was made after Queensland Labor claimed victory in the tightly contested seats yesterday, by a margin of 79 votes in Nicklin and 11 in Bundaberg.

ECQ workers in these electorates will immediately begin the recount today.