RSPCA calls on new environment minister for a new animal hospital.

The RSPCA is calling on newly appointed Queensland environment minister, Meaghan Scanlon, to make good on their proposal for a new wildlife hospital.

The hospital was first proposed in July by RSPCA Queensland and negotiations are currently on-going with the Brisbane City Council and state government for an appropriate block of land to be donated.

South Australia bans protsting outside of abortion clinics.

Protesting outside of abortion clinics has been made illegal in South Australia, after new legislation passed state parliament last night.

Greens MLC Tammy Franks introduced the proposed law and said she was relieved patients and health care workers would no longer be subjected to harassment, intimidation and threats while trying to access or provide abortion services.

This new legislation leaves Western Australia as the only state without similar laws.

Impact of cuts to JobKeeper and JobSeeker revealed.

Analytics consultancy Taylor Fry has released new figures revealing the “instant and dramatic” financial impact the September cuts to JobKeeper and JobSeeker had on Australian households.

It claims job numbers fell by 1.6 per cent in the two weeks immediately following the cuts with many businesses no longer qualifying for JobKeeper and unable to keep staff on.

Construction, arts and hospitality have been among the hardest hit industries.

Thousands flee Ethiopia as tensions escalate.

Thousands of Ethiopian refugees have crossed the border into Sudan, in response to violence in the country’s Tigray region.

As many as 8,000 refugees have fled from Ethiopia in the past two days, as concerns grows for the potential of a humanitarian crisis.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, began marching troops into Tigray last week, after accusing local authorities of an attack on a military camp.

New York introduces new COVID-19 restrictions as cases rise.

New York has introduced new Coronavirus restrictions with Mayor Bill de Blasio warning it’s the city’s “last chance” to stop a second wave.

Infection rates are surging in the United States with the country recording over 100,000 new cases per day for the last 10 days.

Experts fear hospitals across the country could soon be overwhelmed.

Cody Jones and The Lost Company

Cody Jones and The Lost Company, an original band based in Brisbane, are set to release the first single of their upcoming album.
The single Samantha, is an original song which blends elements of folk, alternative and country to create a unique and original sound.
The band enjoys using a range of different instruments in their arrangements including acoustic guitars, mandolin, tin whistle, mandola, banjo, drums, bass and harmonica.

WIlliam Basinski: Lamentations

<p><span><span>- Fuck, I love ambient works. On the flip side, fuck I hate talking about ambient works. There’s an odd hurdle to get over when you attempt to speak accurately about pieces of music that see modern song structures, gives them two fingers, and tells them to sod off. William Basinski was my first trip into this realm, and one of the artists I cannot stop returning to. The way in which Basinski immerses you into worlds all unto themselves -somewhere between our physically real and a viscous other where we can barely get our bearings.

Researchers found prostate cancer treatment could fight the worst COVID-19 symptoms

QUT researchers are preparing to trial two drugs developing to treat prostate cancer as a potential treatment in fighting the worst COVID-19 symptoms.

Major symptoms, and the reason many people who have died from COVID-19 suffer acute respiratory distress syndrome which causes uncontrolled inflammation of the lungs and airways.