Pro-Democracy Books removed from Hong Kong Libraries

Pro-democracy books in Hong Kong libraries have been removed following the introduction of new national security laws.

Hong Kong public libraries are reviewing whether certain books by prominent pro-democracy figures violate the new security legislation. The legislation will punish subversive crimes with harsh punishments of up to life in prison.

AMA warns Government about easing restrictions

The Australian Medical Association has urged state governments to slow down on easing restrictions citing the spike of COVID 19 infections in victoria as a stark reminder things are not over yet. 

The AMA has advised that until the Victorian spike is dealt with the rest of Australia shouldn't get back to normal as the spike can be a risk factor for the rest of the country. Australian Medical Association President Tony Bartone has suggested being complacent about restrictions during this time could set us back and risk a second wave.  

NSW-VIC Border to Close from Wednesday

The New South Wales and Victorian border is set to close from Wednesday after Victoria recorded 127 new cases of COVID-19 over Sunday night.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, announced the decision on Monday morning after the state recorded its largest single-day increase since the start of the pandemic. The border closure follows a weekend that saw Victoria lockdown nine public housing estates in an effort to contain the virus.

More Black Lives Matter Rallies in Brisbane

Over the weekend Protestors have again taken to the streets of Brisbane to protest the treatment of first nations people and refugees by the police. 

Nearly two thousand people attended with masks being handed out to mitigate the spread of any sickness. Protest organisers state there is still a need for protests as conditions have not changed and its important people keep fighting for justice even when it's not trending. 

Agency - 'Wild Possession'

All angular guitars, sludgey bass lines, haywire vocals, oozing a uniquely chaotic energy from Weston Creek ACT, Agency share Wild Possession via hellosQuare, their second album and first release since the double drop of Do We Go It Alone? and I Know I'm In Flames in 2016.

Recorded in three days at Sia Ahmad's home studio space Brick Lane with powerhouse Jonathan Boulet (Party Dozen, Arse) and Hayden Fritzlaff from Moaning Lisa on the drum stool, this brisk 22 minute record takes off from the get go, taking their trademark noise rock twists into direct pop actions at times and expansive discourse in others.

Always keeping their mind on musical community, they are joined by Joel Saunders (Spirit Bunny), Peter Hollo (Tangents) and Hannah de Feyter on Buffaloes while Tom Lyngcoln from Harmony and The Nation Blue delivers a monologue on the tonal abstract Sensitive.

All sales from this record go direct to Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT, Pay The Rent and Black Lives Matter.

Japan look to decrease their coal dependency

Japan is looking to slowly remove 100 coal plants that were created in the mid-1990s as they produce too much carbon dioxide. 

Japan’s energy goals by 2030 are to have 22 to 24% of their needs met by renewable sources like wind and solar.

At the moment, according to SBS News, coal provides 38% of Japan’s energy power needs while renewable energy only caters for 17%. 

Elephants are dying in huge numbers in Botswana

Hundreds of elephants have been found dead in Botswana. However, why, these animals have died, is still unclear. 

Dr. Niall McCann says colleagues have spotted more than 350 elephant carcasses since the start of May. 

Botswana’s government has ruled out poaching, noting that tusks have not been removed, but that poisoning or disease could be the cause. 

Dr. McCann points to the Coronavirus pandemic due to it originating within animals. 
He says this incident is a conservation disaster but also has the potential to be a public health crisis.