"No Logic" behind border Closure: Dutton

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has openly expressed criticism to the decision to keep the borders shut.

He told the Guardian that there is ‘no logic’ behind Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s decision to keep the borders closed.

Queensland leaders continue to discuss the date that borders will open as the rest of the States in Australia open their borders back up.

Federal Treasury overestimates cost of Jobskeeper payments by $60b

An error in the Jobkeeper application form has resulted in the reduction of workers covered by the scheme. The admitted error from the Federal Treasury revealed the estimated $130 billion dollar program is actually likely to cost $70 billion and only cover 3.5 million workers rather than 6 million.

The Australian Tax Office and the Federal Treasury discovered the error after careful analysis of the correlation between potential payments to businesses and the estimates of how many employees would be eligible for the scheme.

No social distancing measures on public transport: Bailey

Transport Minister Mark Bailey announced that there would be no ‘social-distancing’ measures for public transport when school kids return to school.

The lack of measures come after there have been low reports of coronavirus in Queensland and a decrease of 70% of public transport users.

Bailey told public transport travellers to use ‘common sense’ when travelling and if the carriage on the train looks too crowded wait for the next.

Student activist walks out of UQ disciplinary hearing over bias

University of Queensland student, Drew Pavlou, has walked out of a virtual hearing held to make a decision on his expulsion and whether he breached UQ’s code of conduct and brought the institution into disrepute.

Pavlou accused UQ of breaking their own rules for a disciplinary hearing by not providing him with documents that he believes are relevant to proving his innocence, whilst publishing a select few.

Yung Lean: Starz

<p><span><span>- “<em>I’m only twenty-three but there’s like ten of me</em>” remarks Swedish Sadboy Yung Lean<strong> </strong>on his latest project, <em>Starz</em>. In 2012, the then sixteen-year-old rapper was perceived by most as a novelty with his blend of vaporwave aesthetics, droning Swedish accent and deliberately poor English. His wave caught on however, as, eight years later, many consider Lean to be a pioneer of the cloud-rap subgenre despite his young age.

Four-day working week to increase workplace flexibility: NZ PM

New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern has suggested a four-day working week with increased workplace flexibility to boost New Zealand’s tourism industry.

In a Facebook live video, the New Zealand PM stated that multiple ideas were being “bounced around” within the government to encourage domestic travel whilst an international travel ban remains in place.