Bellamy's bought by Chinese Dairy Company

The Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) has approved the $1.5 billion takeover of Bellamy’s by China Mengniu Dairy Company. 

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said he had provided conditional foreign investment approval for the proposed takeover after FIRB did extensive consultation on a wide range of issues. 

The takeover was approved on condition the infant formula maker remains headquartered in Australia for 10 years and is run by a majority Australian board. 

Climate change strategy from the Department of Foreign Affairs

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has released its climate change strategy, pledging $500 million from 2020-2050 to help Pacific Nations. 

The document reports the world’s climate is changing faster than most scientists expected even five years. 

It also details the impacts of climate change magnify challenges in developing countries. 

Man picks up black box and then it explodes

A man who picked up a black box he found in a Bunnings car park exploded in his hand while walking his three dogs on the Gold Coast carried it for 500 metres before it detonated.

Queensland Police were called to Edmund Rice Drive at Southport on the Gold Coast about 9.35am yesterday after reports of an explosion.

“Paramedics treated the man at the scene for very minor burns to his hands.”a spokeswoman said today.

Another home destroyed from fire

Another home has been razed on the central Queensland coast, taking the total to 16 as very high and severe fire dangers grip the state with the possibility of dry lightning starting new fires.

On Friday, 63 bushfires were still burning with evacuation orders in place for Woodgate and Kinkuna Waters in the Bundaberg region, as well as Thornside in the Gympie region. 

The fire service was also warning residents in Black Snake in the Gympie region to prepare to flee their homes.

Cyclist refuses to move on train

A cyclist laying across four seats on a train refused to move, preventing a mum with a pram from having a seat on a crowded train in Auckland earlier this week. 

Witness, Stuart Dawson boarded the Onehunga line and saw a cyclist asleep over four seats. 

The train manager told the cyclist that he had to move, but the cyclist refused. 

Mr Dawson says the manager should have done more to ensure passenger safety

Man dies when struck by lightning in Venice floods

The mayor of Venice has blamed climate change for severe flooding in the historic Italian canal city reaching the second-highest levels ever recorded, with financial costs expected to run to hundreds of millions of euros.

A man in his 70s died when he was struck by lightning while using an electric water pump in the Floods. 

Venice's Mayor called for a speedy completion of a long-delayed project meant to limit flooding

Gut-wrenching footage of a koala

Gut-wrenching footage of a koala found in a fire-ravaged area on NSW’s Mid Coast has pulled at heartstrings after being posted online.

The video was captured in the Bellangry State Forest after a man came across the injured koala and stopped to give her water.

The exhausted koala can be seen sitting on the ground as he gives her water out of a cup.

Coles Drip Cake is an Aussie Favourite

More than 10,000 Australians have voted on their favourite supermarket  products.  

The results reveal the drip cake from Coles has been named as one of the country’s favourite items in the 2020 Product of the Year Awards.

The 35 winners of the coveted awards were announced at a gala event in Sydney hosted by Sonia Kruger.

Flying fox saved from python

Snake catcher, Bryce Lockett has rescued a flying fox from the grips of a carpet python in Jindalee.  

Mr Locett said the flying fox was still alive and had just as good of a bite on the snake and it’s only was a small tear in its wing membrane.

The snake and the flying fox were both taken to the vet with no serious injuries.