China will band children from playing online video games at night

China says it will ban children from playing online video games at night and introduce laws to cut down screen time amid growing concerns about gaming addiction. 

Under the news measures, children under the age of 18 will be banned from playing online games between 10:00pm and 8:00am and restricted to 90 minutes of playing time on weekdays. 

A Government spokesman said these measures were implemented due to concerns about video game addiction in minors and the impact it had on their physical and mental health and learning.

Researchers have discovered two 15,000 year-old pits containing the remains of a dozen mammoths

Researchers in Mexico has discovered two 15,000-year-old pits containing the remains of more than a dozen mammoths, indicating that hunters in the late Pleistocene period were more highly organised than previously thought. 

It was previously assumed that mammoths were only hunted when they were an easy target, for example when they became stuck iRn a bog or swamp 

Archaeologists believe more hunting pits are likely to be found. 

Federal Government considering a royal commission into ex-defence personnel service

The Federal Government is considering a royal commission into the mental health and wellbeing of ex- defence personnel service, including those who have taken their own lives. 

Prime Minister Scott Morrison met privately with the mothers of six army veterans who took their own lives after leaving the Australian Defence Force, earlier this week. 

Federal Government to provide economic drought aid to farm dependent communities

Federal Government drought support measures will deliver $709 million in much needed economic aid for farm dependent communities as they brace for another hot summer, as announced yesterday. 

AgForce General President Georgie Somerset said that regional Queensland would welcome any and all assistance available from all levels of Government as the drought showed no signs of easing. 

A new cancer treatment trialed from Queensland researchers

A new cancer treatment is being trialled in the United States thanks to pioneering work being done by Queensland researchers, according to findings published in the journal Cancer Discovery yesterday. 

The head of QIMR’s Immunology Department, Professor Mark Smyth, said the method had very good results in mice. 

Professor Smyth said because their method focuses on the ‘upsteam’ part of the process, it could potentially work well alongside current immunotherapies that target ‘downstream’ once the adenosine as accumulated. 

Car driving up the wrong side of a highway in Cairns

Dashcam video has captured a car speeding up a highway on the wrong side of the road in Cairns, about 4:30pm Wednesday. 

A witness of the scene said at one point the car appeared to scrape the guard rail as it attempted to move as far to the left. 

Police are reviewing the video and charges have not yet been laid.  

Elizabeth: The Wonderful World Of Nature

- After the untimely demise of her highly regarded retro-pop outfit Totally Mild, Elizabeth Mitchell was never going to pack up that big voice of hers and walk away from the game. God, maybe she could have, but thank goodness she didn’t. Her full-length, solo debut, features many of the things that made her music great in the past, but also a few significant departures. It also struggles to contain the emotional turmoil that’s surged through recent chapters of Elizabeth’s life.

Mayhem: Daemon

- While Mayhem haven’t proffered any new music, outside of some live albums, since 2014’s brilliant Esoteric Warfare, they remain a band that's central in extreme music conversations. The chatter only increased in volume and intensity when the gormless mess of a so-called bio-pic Lords of Chaos was released to unanimous ire.