Lots of farmers not receiving hardship payments

Farmers coming off welfare will be entitled to a new, one-off payment of $13,000 for families and $7,500 for individuals.

Fewer than 7,000 farmers currently receive the hardship payments despite much of the country experiencing drought

The payment will be available to farmers forced off the Farm Household Allowance (FHA) before July 2020 because they have exceeded the time limit permitted to receive the payments.

Sawfish saws stolen

On a steamy night in tropical far north Queensland, Barbara Wueringer and her team climb aboard their 4.5-metre boat on the Norman River.

Four species of sawfish used to range around the top half of Australia's coastline in ocean and estuarine environment

It's the same story every night on the 14-day survey, and they're forced to concede that this trip won't yield any precious data on one of Australia's most unique and threatened species.

Four species of sawfish used to range around the top half of Australia's coastline in ocean and estuarine environment

Citizen scientists will soon take to bushland around southern Queensland looking for Australia's largest and most elusive owl.

They will be armed with acoustic monitors to try and record the secretive powerful owl to help find and protect its threatened habitat.

The $100k government funding allows Birdlife Australia to buy acoustic monitors and engage volunteers to do surveys to find where the owls are living.

 The money founds three years of research and the first acoustic monitors will be deployed in March at the start of the owl breeding season.

Death toll rising in Philippines earthquake

The death toll has risen to five in the Philippines earthquake while dozens remain injured.
Five people have been killed and 60 injured after the magnitude 6.4 earthquake on the island of Mindanao in southern Philippines.
A resident of Kidapawan City says they were driving back home when they felt a very powerful shake. they stopped and saw people and patients running out of the hospital,"

Violent protests in Barcelona

The sentencing of Catalan separatist leaders who sought to declare and independent state has sparked violent protests in Barcelona on Wednesday.
The peaceful demonstration throughout Wednesday deteriorated into clashes between police and protesters after nine politicians and activists were sentenced to up to 13 years in jail.
Regional government leader Quim Torra says they “cannot let these incidents happen in [their] country."

Search for construction company for Rookwood Weir project

The search has begun for a construction company to deliver a multi-million-dollar road upgrade as part of the $35 million Rookwood Weir project.
The roadwork will provide safe access for earth-moving machinery and construction vehicles travelling to the weir site.
Member for Keppel Brittany Lauga says “This is another important milestone for the $352 million Rookwood Weir project that will deliver jobs for the region now and for the next couple of years.”

Measles in Brisbane

Queensland Health has sent out an urgent warning to Brisbane residents after eight new reports of measles cases.
Measles is highly contagious with initial signs including fever, runny nose, tiredness, coughing and sore red eyes followed by a blotchy red rash.  
Dr Kari Jarvinen from Metro South Health says “In the last few years we have had similar numbers or more but this is fairly unprecedented … getting so many cases so quickly.

Only 3 people showed up for yesterday's Extinction rebellion protest

Extinction Rebellion activists abandoned their protest in the heart of Brisbane yesterday after police and media vastly outnumbered them and their minimal turnout.
The protest was planned for 7 am at Bunyapa Park in West End, however, only three activists attended.
A council spokesman says "Members of the public are encouraged to take into consideration potential impacts on travelling if they are planning to be in the vicinity of the CBD.”