Iran issues death sentence to "CIA spy", three other foreign nationals imprisoned.

Iranian courts have sentenced one person to death for spying for the CIA, jailed two others for 10 years for the same crime, and have imprisoned a fourth person for 10 years for spying for Britain.

The verdicts come amid spiralling tensions between Tehran and the United States since President Donald Trump last year withdrew from Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with major powers, and reimposed sanctions that have crippled Iran’s economy in order to force Tehran to renegotiate the pact.

Snowy Hyrdro 2.0 scheme criticised by conservation groups for environmentally"destructive" development in national park

Conservation groups have slammed the Federal Government’s Snowy Hydro 2.0 Project, following the release of its Environmental Impact Statement.

The National Parks Association and the Colong Foundation are concerned about the impact of the project upon threatened species, after it was revealed that over 1,500 hectares of protected land would be affected.

Teacher sues Nauru detention centre over black mould in accommodation

A former English teacher is suing offshore detention operator Broadspectrum for devastating ill health caused by black mould in her accommodation, while she was teaching asylum seekers and refugees on Nauru.

The case is the latest claim of dangerous exposure to mould at the Australian immigration detention centre on Nauru.

Comcare has confirmed it received a complaint from a former employee in 2016, and a number of other former staff have also alleged their health was affected.


Police announce new scheme to stop petrol theft

Drivers in Queensland who have driven off without paying petrol fees will now receive a text message or email to remind them to go back to the station and pay, in a new trial by police.

Acting Superintendent says the new scheme is designed to encourage people involved in a fuel-drive off, either inadvertently or on purpose.

There were 278 000 fuel drive-offs reported in Queensland this year.


Drop in hospitals donations unrelated to name change, says Health Minister

Individual donations to the Queensland Children's Hospital have dropped by hundreds of thousands of dollars, following a name change last November.

Health Minister Steven Miles said that the drop in donations was unrelated to the name change, citing two unusually large bequests received in financial year 2017-18 totalling $4.69 million.

The collapse of a Taiwan bridge crushes fishing boats and triggers casualties

The collapse of Nanfangao Bridge, a popular tourist bridge in Yilan, Taiwan has crushed several fishing boats.

The accident took place when an oil tanker was under the bridge, triggering a fire.

10  people were sent to the hospital and six were seriously injured.6 people were trapped on one of the boats, and five were probably on the bridge when the bridge collapsed.

Police shot a teenager at a protest in Hong Kong

Hong Kong police fired live rounds at protestors, shooting a teenager at close range at a protest on China’s national day.

Police spokesperson, Yola and Yu, claimed that the teenager was shot after multiple warnings from police. 

There were at least 100, 000 people participating in the march, which was the largest one since the unrest in June.

The protestors threw petrol bombs, bricks, and objects at police, who used tear gas in response.