New Maroochydore CBD In The Sunshine Coast

A new Maroochydore CBD and diverse housing will be accommodated in the Maroochydore City Centre Priority Development Area, in the Sunshine Coast, after the state’s approval of the development scheme.

Sunshine Coast Mayor, Mark Jamieson, said the approval will help the council meet the urban infills targets set under the Shaping South East Queensland Regional Plan and capitalise on new opportunities.

The United Nations Has Cautioned US Sanctions on Venezuela Could Worsen The Crisis

The United Nations Human Rights Chief has cautioned that the newest US sanctions on Venezuela will exacerbate the crisis for millions, further threatening food security in a country already facing shortages to daily essentials. 

The move by the US is the most recent in a round of sanctions against Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela, and includes authorisation for penalties against those who support Maduro’s government. 

Boris Johnson Declares No More Delays On Brexit Deals

Boris Johnson has urged MPs to "get on and deliver" Brexit as he repeatedly refused to rule out bypassing parliament to force through a no-deal break. 

The prime minister insisted he remained "confident" it would be possible to reach a new agreement with the European Union before Britain is due to leave on 31 October.

However, he was adamant there could be no more delay beyond Halloween and that the "unacceptable" Northern Ireland backstop had to go. 

TAFE in Financial Struggle As Student Numbers Stall

The long-term financial viability of Queensland’s vocational education system is in danger as student numbers have stalled, meaning revenue from students is plummeting. 

Vocational education has received a $130 million increase in funding over the last four years, but there has been no increase in the number of vocational education students in Queensland. 

Prime Minister Scott Morrison Has Finalised His Inner Circle of Advisers

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has finalised his inner circle of advisers and is planning a series of brainstorming sessions for policy development that will ramp up by the year’s end.

All key positions for Morrison’s new team have now been finalised, following the appointment of the national security expert Andrew Shearer as cabinet secretary this week. 

Since the May election, the Prime Minister’s office has conducted a series of policy brainstorming sessions on issues including plastic waste, veterans affairs and Indigenous suicide.

Winners of The 2019 Bus Driver Of The Year To Be Announced Today

After more than 10,000 votes and 2,000 nominations, today the winners of the 2019 Bus Driver of the Year Award will be announced at the Parliament House.

The award ceremony will take place at the Premier’s Hall between 10 and 10:30 a.m.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey will announce the winners.

New Edition of TEDXUQ Will Take Place Tomorrow

The TEDXUQ will take place tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. at the University of Queensland in the Advanced Engineering Building.

The purpose of this year's TED conference is to connect the guests with leading researchers, artists and entrepreneurs, and join in a conversation about ideas, innovation, community and critical thinking.

Tickets are available at and will include full-day theatre access, refreshments, lunch, afternoon tea , access to innovation booths and an attendee bag.