Sydney man stops taking medication in a bid to keep his family in Australia

A Chinese father from Sydney has stopped taking medication that controls his Hepatitis B in a last bid to keep him and his family in Australia.


The Sydney resident was told he failed Australia’s visa health requirement despite his Hepatitis B medication costing just a dollar a day.


According to the government's immigration health criteria an applicant for Australian residency must be free from disease and health conditions.

Challenges facing Indigenous aged care

Elderly Torres Strait Islanders are having to rely on family members to bring them freshly caught fish prepared from home due to bureaucratic red tape preventing traditional Indigenous foods from being served in nursing homes.

The aged care royal commission travelled to Broome this week to hear evidence about the barriers and challenges to providing services for Indigenous Australians.


Hong Kong injured protester arrests

Hong Kong’s medical sector lawmaker, Pierre Chan, says he has proof that police can access the Hospital Authority’s system to check details of injured protesters who were admitted into the hospital system.


After the violent clash on Wednesday over the extradition bill, police admitted they arrested protesters at public hospitals as they were being treated.


US Deploying 1000 more troops to Middle East

Acting US Defence Secretary Patrick Shanahan has announced the deployment of 1000 more US troops to the Middle East for ‘defensive purposes to address air, naval and ground-based threats’.


Mr Shanahan says the US does not seek conflict with Iran and deployment aims to ensure the safety and welfare of their military personnel working throughout the region as well as national interests.


Noosa’s Waste Revenue

Noosa ratepayers stand to see a $1.5 million return to council through its sale of recycled materials and lead acid batteries.

Councillors are expected to award a three- year contract to Sims Group Australian Holdings Limited for the collection and sale of these materials next Thursday.

About 2500 tonnes of recycled materials are collected and sold annually by the council, providing a significant revenue stream.

QLD police reveal states drug use

Queensland police statistics have revealed that on an average of 9 times an hour someone is caught making, buying or taking drugs.

In the greater Brisbane area, there were 53 drug offences each day in 2018 with a high concentration of offences occurring in Fortitude Valley and the CBD and police have also highlighted the concerning increase of Ice usage in the Greater Brisbane area.

Detective Superintendent Tony Fleming said drug offences are secondary to the violence and harm they cause to the community.

CSIRO Report Published Today

The CSIRO today published the 2019 Australian National Outlook, containing the key message that Australia’s long-term future is at risk unless we take bold action now.

The research contrasted two models of Australia, the first being the current baseline of slow decline, and the second an outlook vision scenario representing what Australia could achieve.

Papua New Guinea says it will cancel Paladin contract on Manus Island

Papua New Guinea is pushing back on Australia’s plans to continue a contract with Paladin to run refugee and asylum seeker accommodation on Manus Island.


The 423 million dollar contract is currently being scrutinised by the national audit office and expires in less than two weeks but home affairs minister Peter Dutton indicated on Sunday this would likely be extended.


PNG's immigration minister Petrus Thomas says his government expects to either cancel or terminate the contract by the end of June

China organ harvesting

An independent tribunal sitting in London has concluded that the killing of detainees in China for organ transplants is continuing.

The chairperson of the China tribunal, Sir Geoffrey Nice, says that many people have died hideous deaths for no reason at the hands of forced organ harvesting.

China announced in 2014 that it would stop removing organs for transplantation from executed prisoners and has dismissed claims that the harvesting is politically-motivated.