Boy George & Culture Club: Resting Bitch Face

- Rebirths in the musical world come along with the regularity of Doctor Who’s reincarnations, and like the Time Lord’s 13 lives (or 14, depending how you count ‘em), some are more successful than others, some more enjoyable, some more ground-breaking and advancing a well-known theme; a bit like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Twelve Variations on ‘Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman’.

Julia Holter: Aviary

- Across the four studio albums she has put out to date, Julia Holter has undergone an intriguing transition from her ambient-focused debut album, Tragedy, to the more accessible art pop of her last record, Have You in My Wilderness. The key trend that has remained throughout is that she has never been one to shrink from ambition; rather she's consistently unafraid to experiment and do away with predictable structures.

All British military roles now open to servicewomen

The British military has made a historic move to make all positions available to women, including elit unites which previously was off-limits.

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson says women already serving in the army are now able to transfer immediately into available infantry roles.

The British government made the announcement on Thursday after several phases of lifting the ban of servicewomen in close combat units since 2016.


NASA soon to cut contact with Mars rover

NASA is expected to soon end efforts to contact Opportunity Mars rover, which has been silent since a major dust storm in June of this year.

Acting Director of NASA’s planetary science division, Lori Glaze, says the team intended to keep contacting Opportunity on a daily basis for at least another week before ending efforts.

Former rover controllers say the NASA team have not given Opportunity enough time to be revived if its solar panels were coated in dust from the storm.


Hundreds of pedaphiles denied passports

Hundreds of pedaphiles have been denied Australian passports after the introduction of tough new laws last year, aiming to stop child sex tourism.

An Australian Passport Office official, Ross Tysoe, says 857 child sex offenders have been denied passports and another 39 have been stopped at the border.

Nine registered pedophiles have been charged since the tough laws were introduced late last year.


NSW pharmacists to administer new shots

New South Wales pharmacists will soon be able to administer a number of new shots, in addition to flu shots.

From January, pharmacists in NSW will able to provide shots against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis shots, whooping cough and measles, mumps and rubella to anyone over the age of 16.

Deputy NSW Premier John Barilaro says a greater range shots available at the pharmacy takes the pressure from doctors.

Premier lashes out at PM drought plan

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has criticised the Federal Government's response to drought in Queensland at the Drought Summit in Canberra.

The $100 million federal assistance for farmers won’t kick in until 2020.

The Premier says farmers are struggling now, and Queensland has already paid $670 million in drought relief.


Broke Queensland construction firms investigated

A public examination into collapsed Queensland construction firms Cullen Group and One House are being held by regulator QBCC.

The two companies entered liquidation around early 2017, owing creditors $18 million.

Minister for Housing and Public Works Mick de Brenni says the collapses are particularly tough on small businesses.