Prison guard fired after sleeping on job

A guard has been fired  from Woodford Correctional Centre on January 19, 2017 after an investigation found instances in which he fell asleep multiple times while watching inmates.   

The Queensland Industrial Relations Commission revealed that despite multiple warnings and sanctions from prisoners and prison officers, Mr Frederick Ball continued.

The commission also revealed unauthorised activities such as smoking on duty and an anauthorised strip seach.

Exhibit to celebrate 50th birthday of Iconic Guild

The Embroiderers Guild Queensland Inc, in Brunswick Street in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley dedicates a group of women to the practice of embroidery and needlework.


To celebrate the guild’s 50th birthday, an exhibit will be showcased inside the heritage-listed building.

This display will include a compilation of embroidery squares from the 500 members.


PM Morrison promise GST changes

The Australian federal government has promised to legislate changes to the GST system of up to $9 billion.


Prime Minister Scott Morrison describes this plan as a “a new, fairer GST deal” distributed throughout the nation.


The policy is heavily seen to influence Western Australia, with Morrison guaranteeing the state’s share does not fall below 75 cents in the dollar.


Koala Sanctuary proposed for site in Campbelltown , NSW

New South Wales Labor leader Luke Foley has pledged 4000 hectares of land in Sydney to the last disease-free koalas.


The Smiths Creek Reserve land, located in Campbelltown, could become a national park for around 400 chlamydia free koalas.


The disease, a different strain to the chlamydia affecting humans, is widespread among Australia's koala population and has devastating effects on the animals.


Prominent women murdered in Iraq

Iraq has seen the murder of four prominent women of influence, being outspoken critics of the country’s conservative rule.

Model and social media star Tara Fares was shot dead in Baghdad, the latest in a string of attacks that governmental officials indicate are possibly linked.

Certain Iraqis believe the murders are a coordinated campaign to silence them. Iraq’s Prime Minister al-Abadi has launched an investigation.

Palestine files complaint against the United States

Palestine has filed a complaint to the United Nations against the United states and their decision to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.


In a statement issued on Friday, the International Court of Justice said Palestine contends the embassy's relocation is in breach of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.


Referendum in Macedonia fails to attract 50% of population

The referendum on Macedonia’s name change to North Macedonia has failed to attract the 50 percent of national participation necessary to make the vote legally valid.  

The purpose of this name change referendum is part of a deal with Greece to resolve a dispute preventing Macedonia from joining NATO or the EU.  

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has pledged to continue with name change vote.

More than 90 percent have voted yes, however it is argued by the opposition that the low turnout indicates the country rejects the referendum.

Thousands march the streets of Brazil

Thousands of people took to the streets and marched in cities across Brazil on Saturday as part of a women-led protest against far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro.

The demonstrations were a manifestation of the #NotHim movement that has gathered steam on social media in recent weeks, and began early afternoon in scores of cities nationwide including Sao Paulo and the capital, Brasilia.

The crowd accused Bolsonaro of homophobic, sexist, racist and anti-democratic activities.

Training has started for an upcoming season of Trugo!

Not many people have heard of 'trugo': a mix of croquet, golf, lawn bowls and the hammer. But, as James Bartlett writes, the unusual game that sprung from Melbourne's railway yards is trying to attract new fans.

Players take a thick rubber ring, balance it upright, and then swing a rubber-tipped wooden mallet between their legs to try and hit the ring between two posts.

This is all done backwards.

Training has begun for the upcoming season, and there's a good turnout of players old and new.