Emma Louise: Lilac Everything: A Project By Emma Louise

- Creating a concept album is a tricky task to master. Usually only attempted by artists with huge cult followings who could do no wrong to their besotted fans; as a side endeavor by a more mainstream act; or by small, unheard-of bands who weren’t planning on selling any records anyway. The concept album is a surefire way to create controversial opinions when done by a middle of the road, middle of their career type of artist. Have I got you worried? Don't be, Emma Louise has certainly delivered on her third record, which is one of these magical creations – and the concept?

Ant Aggs: Ant Aggs

- The last thing I wrote about Ant Aggs was back in 2015, in the form of a plea for him to release much, much more music. Come 2018 and the one-time Afrodizziact and Resin Dogs member is sneaking out a new, self-titled release that is exactly as slim as his last. Sneaking it out almost like he’s aiming to avoid the attention of the industry and would-be fans. Yet if all that stays the same, so does the consistently high quality of what’s on offer. .

Renoir Painting Returned to Rightful Owner

A Renoir painting stolen by the Nazis during World War Two has finally been returned to the granddaughter of the original owner.


Do Farmeh Don Un Jardin - translated to “Two Girls in a Garden”, was painted in 1919, just a year before French Artist Renoir died.


The original owner, Alfred Weinberger, lost the painting to the Nazis, and spent decades after the war trying to get it back.


It was returned to his sole air, Sylvie Sulitzer, in a ceremony at the Museum of Jewish History in New York.

Your money or your life?

On Thursday, Minister for Women Kelly O’Downer will introduce legislation to parliament that offers five days of unpaid domestic violence leave. However, the Australian Council of Trade Unions says it need to be 10 days of paid leave.


Union President Michelle O’Neill believes this should be the minimum, as women need time and money to find a new home, school, and to deal with both police and court matters.


Bridge Turned Slip and Slide

A further $545,000 will be spent on fixing the slippery surface on Goodwill Bridge, which cyclists have been sliding on for almost a year.


Although more than $23,000 has already been spent on this problem in 2017, the bridge still remains a hazard. The Department of Public Works received 33 complaints from October 4, 2017 to August 23, 2018. 14 of these included claims for compensation.


Shameful Abuse in Germany

The German Catholic church has revealed a shameful statistic after a study was leaked, claiming thousands of children were sexually abused by Clerics over the past 70 years.


The leaked document revealed that over 1600 clerics and priests had abused 3677 minors between 1946 and 2014.


Bishop of Trier, Stephen Ackerman, said the statistics were “depressing and shameful”.

Whooping Cough Outbreak

A Gold Coast School is urging children who have not been vaccinated against Whooping Cough to stay at home after a spike in children displaying symptoms of the illness.


Palm Beach School has written to parent and carers that all students who are unvaccinated or experiencing symptoms of the respiratory infection to remain at home say Professor Paul Van Buynder as it can potentially be life threatening to children, particularly school aged children


Indiana Jones esque sacrifices Banned

The Sri Lankan government has agreed to ban the sacrifice of animals, including birds, at Hindu temples on the island, after growing protests from the Buddhist majority and moderate Hindus.


This new plan was announced yesterday. The cabinet approved a proposal put forward by the Hindu Religious Affairs Minister to outlaw the ancient practice, which is still observed at multiple temples across the country.