The Ironic Nature of Coffee in Rwanda

Despite coffee playing an important role in people’s daily lives, the same cannot be said for Rwandans. Rwandans aren’t big on drinking coffee, but the country is big on exporting it.


Although Rwandans prefer drinking tea, soft drinks or a cold beer, coffee is the country’s second-largest export earner.


According to Clare Akamanzi, executive director of the Rwanda Development Board, more than 80 percent of its coffee is exported; on the contrary, only 16 percent of all homegrown product is consumed domestically.

#MeToo Movement Amongst Lawyers

Recently, more and more lawyers and legal professionals have been coming forward and reporting the high incidences of sexual harassment and assault within their workplace.


An unnamed former lawyer said that there was a “jaw-dropping” amount of unwanted sexual advances and propositions in her workplace, and that the #metoo movement has inspired her and many others to come forward and talk about the abuse.


The Australian Human Rights Commission recently found that sexual harassment in the workplace is on the rise.

Lack of Funding for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Thousands of children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome are missing out on National Disability Insurance Scheme Benefits and funding due to the lack of specialists diagnosing and assessing the impact of the disorder.


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is thought to affect approximately 5% of the population, with severity ranging from mild behavioural disturbances to severe brain impairment.


Nipping pain in the bud

University of Queensland Researchers are investigating the links between ant and wasp stings and their relationship to human pain physiology and help with revolutionary pain treatments


Researchers state that the insects venom have been previously neglected due to their size and venom yield as well as a widespread misconception that their venom was more simplistic than originally believed.


Toddlers Detained in Detention Centre

Two toddlers are suffering in immigration detention with their parents, after being deported from Biloela in Queensland.


Recent medical reports show that the two Australian born girls are showing behavioural disturbances due to isolation and lack of contact with other children.


The family came to Australia fleeing Sri Lanka’s civil war, on a temporary bridging Visa, and when their Visa ran out in March, they were placed into detention.

Refugees Stranded in Warzone

Refugees from the Idlib province are saying that Syrian rebels are keeping families captive in camps, and stopping them from fleeing the violence.

As Russian and Syrian forces prepare a final offensive against the rebel stronghold, they have created avenues to get the refugees out of the warzone.

Unfortunately, rebel forces won’t allow the thousands of men, women and children to leave, leaving them stranded in the line of fire.

New York Leading Transgender Movement on Paper

Recent Changes in the US state of New York will now allow people who do not identify as male or female to change their birth designation on their birth certificates to ‘X’ as of Wednesday.

The new legislation allows people outside the male or female gender designations to change their birth certificates gender without an affidavit from a doctor or mental health professionals and allow parents to choose a non-binary birth designation for their newborns at birth.

Former Adelaide Residents Face the Death Penalty

Former Adelaide residents Lisa and Germayne Cunningham have pleaded not guilty to 11 charges in an Arizona court, including first degree murder and child abuse.

If found guilty, the couple with be faced with the death penalty over the death and abuse of Mr Cunningham’s daughter Sanaa.

Seven years old at the time of her death in early 2017, Sanaa was subject to abuse and neglect, with Child Services investigating the couple multiple times before she passed away.


Hobart to Introduce Smart Bins

The Hobart city council is planning on introducing Smart Bins into their city in an attempt to both modernise and help clean up the city

The Bins will be fitted with sensors that will relay how full the bin is and help city bin deployment, showing where wins are needed and where they are not and increase city safety by relaying whether fire are being started from cigarette butts or whether offensive smells are being caused from particular bins