Thousands protest against corruption in Romania

Tens of thousands across Romania have taken part in protests against government corruption.

Romanian media estimated between 30,0000 and 50,000 people gathered in the capital Bucharest, in addition to protests organised across the country.

Video footage shared on social media show police beating non-violent protesters and more than 400 protestors have sought medical attention after police used tear gas and batons to quell the demonstrations.


Kenyan officials arrested on suspicion of corruption

Kenyan authorities have arrested 14 civil servants and businesspeople involved in a railway project on suspicion of corruption.

Those involved are accused of misusing funds intended for land purchases to complete the railway linking Nairobi to Mombasa.

The 3.2 billion dollar project is funded by China, as part of their one belt, one road initiative.


The Ekka is Well Underway With Extra Transport Options

The Queensland Ekka is well underway, entering its fourth consecutive day of running at the Brisbane Showgrounds in Bowen Hills.

400,000 people are expected to attend the event over the remaining ten days, with over 30,000 attendees on its opening day last Friday.

The Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey has allocated extra train service to cope with the demand throughout Brisbane’s CBD and high population areas.  


Medicinal Cannabis farm approved

A medicinal cannabis farm has been approved by the Brisbane City Council.  

The development will be built in Moggill, about 19 kilometres from the Brisbane CBD and three kilometres from Moggill State School.

Australian Medical Association Queensland spokesman Dr Jim Finn says that as long as the facility is secure, there should be no risk to the public.


Malcolm Turnbull’s popularity drops, according to this week’s newspoll

A two-party preferred newspoll by The Australian throughout early August has revealed Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s popularity has dropped six points to a net satisfaction rate of minus 19.

This poll comes two weeks after the Super Saturday by-elections, whereby 29.6 per cent of the primary vote in the seat of Longman was secured.   

Labor has also decreased their primary vote, from 36 percent to 35 percent.


One in seven uni students regularly go without food

A national survey has revealed that one in seven university students are forced to go without food.

The Universities Australia Student Finances Survey found that many students studying full-time are living on $18000 a year, and regularly go without food or other necessities because they cannot afford them.

More than 18,500 students participated in the survey.


Taliban attack on Afghan City of Ghazni

The attack on the Afghan city of Ghazni continues as different groups fight for control over the city

The Taliban launched an attack early on Friday morning and there are reports from local media that over a hundred people have been killed but that number has not been confirmed.

Local lawmaker Chaman Shah Ehtemadi in speaking with Reuters says the government are in control of the governor's office, police headquarters and intelligence compound but the Taliban are pressing towards these areas.


Caspian Sea dispute finds five country resolution

A historic deal regarding the Caspian Sea has been signed by five countries ending a two decade long dispute.


The contention between the countries was whether the Caspian Sea was technically a sea or a lake, as the categories determine which states can utilise the area.


The agreement between Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan allows all countries to use the waters as a common but the seabed full of resources will be divided between the countries.


Review: Love Letters to F***bois


Theatrical, entertaining, confronting and absolutely charming.


Wightman and Stark have gone above and beyond with their performance Love Letters to F***bois. It will be showing at Metro Arts until the 18th of August so get in before then, I guarantee it will be worth it. It’s entertaining, interactive, engaging and deeply honest.