Cricket Australia Employee Sacked over Abortion tweets

A Cricket Australia employee has been sacked after a series of tweets campaigning for abortion reform in Tasmania, with the sports body citing concerns that she insulted the Tasmanian government.


A legal claim has been lodged with Fair Work Australia against Cricket Australia that includes claims that a senior member of the Tasmanian government disclosed the woman’s own pregnancy termination to her then employer.

Teenage Palestinian protest icon released from Israeli prison

Palestinian protest icon Ahed Tamimi was released from Israeli prison after the end of her eight-month sentence for slapping and kicking Israeli soldiers.


The then 16-year-old went viral after a video showed her confronting two Israeli soldiers who refused to leave her yard, turning her into a symbol of resistance over Israel’s half-century old military rule over the Palestinians.


Ahed and her mother returned to a hero’s welcome and greeted with banners, cheers and Palestinian flags in their West Bank village.


Indonesian Earthquake kills 14 people

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake has left 14 people injured and injured hundreds after it struck the popular tourist destination of Lombok.


The earthquake hit the northern part of the island early on Sunday morning while people were sleeping, with East Lombok being hit hardest with 8 deaths.


The Australian General Consulate in Bali confirmed no Australian is believed to be affected by the earthquake at this stage.

Growth of defence jobs from Queensland contract

Queensland companies are receiving contracts to deliver more heavy vehicles and equipment to the Australian Defence Force.


Federal Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne is announcing plans for Land 121 Phase 5B which will create more than 100 jobs with Haulmark Trailers and more through Rheinmetall’s Australian supply chain.


State development Minister Cameron Dick says the contracts mean a continued flow of work for the Queensland companies, supporting jobs and the state’s defence manufacturing sector.

Brisbane Charity calls for Spare room network

Brisbane-based charity Safe Haven Community is calling for an Australia-wide network of spare rooms in private homes to help domestic abuse victims escape before violence erupts.


Safe Haven Community works with people who are not facing direct physical threats and before the problems fester due to lack of support for ‘non-emergency’ situations.


Government Rethinks Corporate Tax after By-elections

The Federal Government’s losses in the Super-Saturday by-elections has prompted debate in the Liberal party about their corporate tax cuts.


Losses in battleground electorates such as Mayo, Braddon and Longman to Labor and Minor parties were thought to be an indication of public opinion on policy and the leadership of both major parties.


Downer announces another run for federal office

Liberal Party candidate for Mayo Georgina Downer has announced she seek preselection for next year’s federal election for the seat she lost on Saturday.


Ms Downer lost to Centre Alliance MP Rebekha Sharkie in the Mayo By-election, which was triggered by Ms Sharkie having to resign over dual citizenship.


The by-election campaign featured accusations from both sides of other supporters of online trolling.

Trump threatens Government shutdown

US President Donald Trump has threatened Democrats with a government shutdown if they do not approve funding for US-Mexican Border wall and other immigration policy changes.


The President has requested $25 billion for the border wall, which was a key promise in his 2016 election campaign, although only $1.6 billion has been provided for the project.


The funding request comes at a time where the country prepares for midterm elections which could change the balance of power in the house and senate.

Hun Sen wins cambodian election amid corruption scandal

The Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) has declared victory in a controversial election with no opposition and accusations of intimidation against critics of the major party.


The CPP won 100 of 125 Parliamentary seats in the elections and Prime Minister Hun Sen who has been in power for more than three decades has remained leader.


Local and foreign rights groups, along with some Western governments have agreed the elections would not be credible.