Police search for young missing girls

Two girls, aged 11 and 9 who were reported missing from the city of Logan on Monday morning have been found; however, Queensland police have confirmed another 3 young girls are still missing.

A 15 year old girl is one of the three, last seen in Rochedale south on Sunday afternoon, the other two were reported missing on Monday afternoon, aged 13 and 14 and were last seen in Capalaba, Redland City.

These cases are all believed to be unrelated and anyone with information is urged to contact police.

Tamil asylum seeker in Australia faces permanent separation from family

Thileepan, a Tamil asylum seeker has been issued with a deportation notice more than six years after arriving in Australia, facing permanent separation from his wife and daughter.

Both family members were granted safe haven enterprise visas, two days before he was issued a removal notice.

Thileepan’s separation from his family is likely to be permanent with the SHE visa not allowing for family reunion or sponsorship of return to Australia.

Trial pill clinics for meth addicts approved in NSW and Victoria

Wollongong, Geelong and Melbourne will be home to a trial two year pill clinic program for methamphetamine addicts.

Researchers at the Curtin University National Drug Research Institute in WA are using the trial to see if NAC can help meth addicts quit.

“NAC helps reduce cravings through restoring chemical balances in the brain involved in craving and drug-seeking,” according to Associate Professor Rebecca McKetin.

Investigation into the safety of Indian child care homes

India is conducting an investigation of all childcare homes run by the Missionaries of Charity after the arrest of two people on baby trafficking charges earlier this month.

The Women and Child Development Ministry states all childcare institutions must be registered and linked to the federal government within a month.

Jharkhand State Commission for Protection of Child Rights chairwoman Arti Kujur says all four infants sold by the two arrested have been recovered by authorities.

Nearly 300 crocodiles killed in vicious revenge attack in Indonesia

292 crocodiles have been slaughtered in Indonesia, as villagers staged a revenge attack after a local man was killed by a crocodile.

Locals of the Sorong district of West Papua, rushed a licensed sanctuary that breeds endangered saltwater and New Guinea crocodiles with shovels and hammers.

40 police officers tried to stop the attack, however with a crowd of 600 they were unable to contain the incident.

QFES target illegal budget accommodation

Fire and emergency services minister Craig Crawford says close to 3400 buildings suspected of operating as illegal budget accommodation have been inspected by the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service over the past 11 years


These inspections have resulted in 1626 requisitions being issued across the state to limit to number of residents to five or fewer residents, in accordance with legislation introduced after the Childers Palace Backpacker hostel fire resulted in 15 deaths in 2000.


Coal mine could cost jobs

A report released by the Australia Institutes included modelling that shows developing new coal mines in the Galilee Basin would cost 12,500 jobs in existing coal mining regions and replace on two in three workers.


The report concludes that even if thermal coal exports increased the highly automated mines would on balance costs to the industry.


The findings in the report contradict the expected job creation that supporters of the Adani’s Carmichel mega mine and proposals in the untapped Galilee Basin had predicted.

Truck drivers rally for better conditions

Truck drivers and supporters have held protests around the country for better safety standards and working conditions after being named deadliest industry for a third consecutive year.


The Transport Workers Union of Australia is claiming drivers are being subjected to breaches of fatigue rules and harassment when they raise safety issues.


TWU Acting National Secretary Michael Kaine said corporations are squeezing profits from freight contracts at the expense of public safety and no one is holding them accountable.


South Australia pitches for new space agency

South Australia has put forward the former Royal Adelaide Hospital site as the best location for the new Australian space agency, in a meeting between Premier Steven Marshall and the agency’s director general Megan Clark.


South Australia is home to several space-related tech companies, especially those with a focus on satellite technology.


The federal government has committed $41 million to the project, including $15 million to kickstart the project, with a decision on the location expected by the end of the year.