Queensland AI technology to help with cancer treatment

An Australian first collaboration will see Queensland artificial intelligence company Max Kelsen partner with QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute to tailor cancer patients’ treatment to improve its effectiveness.


The two-year project seeks to analyse cancer patients’ genetics through AI to find more complex patterns and help personalize the most effective treatment for the individuals.


Help on the way for families affected by ice and other drugs

The State Government has announced an investment of more than $5.4 million across 10 regions to break the hold of ice and other drugs on Queensland families.


Child Safety Minister Di Farmer said the new Breakthrough for Families program was about helping families to stop the damage and break the cycle of addiction so they could safely look after their children.


The program will be delivered by Apunipima Cape York Health Service, Lives Lived Well, Drug Arm and Bridges Aligned Service Inc.

Victorian Deputy Premier asks Police to Investigate 24 coalition MPs

Deputy Premier James Merlino has asked Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton to investigate 24 coalition MPs over alleged election fund rorting in the last state election.


The allegations include using electorate office staff for campaigning in 2014 and ministerial advisers not taking leave during the caretaker period.


The request from Victoria Labor comes only a week after Victoria Police announced the fraud squad was investigating the Labor Party’s misuse of $388,000 of public money in the 2014 election campaign.

Cricket Australia Employee Sacked over Abortion tweets

A Cricket Australia employee has been sacked after a series of tweets campaigning for abortion reform in Tasmania, with the sports body citing concerns that she insulted the Tasmanian government.


A legal claim has been lodged with Fair Work Australia against Cricket Australia that includes claims that a senior member of the Tasmanian government disclosed the woman’s own pregnancy termination to her then employer.

Teenage Palestinian protest icon released from Israeli prison

Palestinian protest icon Ahed Tamimi was released from Israeli prison after the end of her eight-month sentence for slapping and kicking Israeli soldiers.


The then 16-year-old went viral after a video showed her confronting two Israeli soldiers who refused to leave her yard, turning her into a symbol of resistance over Israel’s half-century old military rule over the Palestinians.


Ahed and her mother returned to a hero’s welcome and greeted with banners, cheers and Palestinian flags in their West Bank village.


Indonesian Earthquake kills 14 people

A 6.4 magnitude earthquake has left 14 people injured and injured hundreds after it struck the popular tourist destination of Lombok.


The earthquake hit the northern part of the island early on Sunday morning while people were sleeping, with East Lombok being hit hardest with 8 deaths.


The Australian General Consulate in Bali confirmed no Australian is believed to be affected by the earthquake at this stage.

Growth of defence jobs from Queensland contract

Queensland companies are receiving contracts to deliver more heavy vehicles and equipment to the Australian Defence Force.


Federal Defence Industry Minister Christopher Pyne is announcing plans for Land 121 Phase 5B which will create more than 100 jobs with Haulmark Trailers and more through Rheinmetall’s Australian supply chain.


State development Minister Cameron Dick says the contracts mean a continued flow of work for the Queensland companies, supporting jobs and the state’s defence manufacturing sector.

Brisbane Charity calls for Spare room network

Brisbane-based charity Safe Haven Community is calling for an Australia-wide network of spare rooms in private homes to help domestic abuse victims escape before violence erupts.


Safe Haven Community works with people who are not facing direct physical threats and before the problems fester due to lack of support for ‘non-emergency’ situations.