Japan faces heatwave, 14 people dead

Japan is currently facing an intense heat wave, which has killed around fourteen people and hampered recovery efforts in flood-affected areas.

Temperatures over the weekend ranged from 34 to nearly 40 degrees, with temperatures of 35 degrees considered intensely hot days in Japan.

The Japanese Meteorological Agency says the heat wave is due to the layering of two high pressure systems, and is expected to last the rest of the week.


Forget carrots, eating oranges could improve your eyesight

Regularly eating oranges may improve your eye health according to new research from the Westmead Institute.

The Institute analysed the diet of 2,000 Australians over the age of 50 for a 15 years period focusing on how their diet related to their risk of age-related vision impairment, and it was the consumption of oranges in particular that stood out.

Lead researcher at the University of Sydney, Bamini Gopinath, said that while these results were exciting, more studies needed to be done to hone in on the the links to oranges and Macular Degeneration.

New drug treatment for ice addiction to be trialed

A new drug treatment for ice addiction will be trialed with around 180 people over a twelve week period.

Participants will take N-Acetyl Cysteine, a drug use for paracetamol overdoses, to reduce the urge to take crystal methamphetamine and other harmful substances.  

There is currently no approved medication to treat ice dependence, and most people with addictions must wait for access to counselling services and rehabilitation.

Brisbane set to have an over-water champagne and oyster bar in late 2018

Construction has begun in Brisbane on an over-water champagne and oyster bar, built as part of the $110 million dollar Howard Smith Wharves project.

The council’s infrastructure chairwoman Amanda Cooper said the construction of the bar was on of the final stages of the project and will feature a river lounge so consumers will be able to enjoy the spectacular river views.

The Howard Smith Wharves is on track to open in late 2018.


Sea Shepherd joins call for a rethink of shark nets

Following the release of a seven-meter humpback whale which became entangled in a net off the Gold Coast on Monday, an Australian environmental group called Sea Shepherd has joined the calls for the Queensland government to rethink its shark net problem.

The Australian managing director for Sea Shepherd, Jeff Hanson, says the current Queensland Shark Control program gives us a false sense of security.

Australia Post’s parcel plans for Ipswich

Australia Post has submitted development plans for a $200 million parcel sorting facility to the Ipswich City Council.

Australia Post’s proposal to construct a 50,000 square metre facility on Robert Smith Street in Redbank is to accommodate for South East Queensland’s online shopping parcel demand.

The new facility can hold around 40,000 parcels an hour, tripling the parcel capacity of the current facility located in Underwood.  

Cairns NDIS rollout increases with housing project

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has encouraged Cairns residents to consider their eligibility for the NDIS as a new disability housing project from Endeavour Foundation launches.

Around 4,700 people are expected to have access to the NDIS in Cairns, with 1,150 new jobs expected to accompany the rollout.

The NDIS is the biggest social reform rollout in Australia since Medicare with support for Far North Queensland including Early Childhood Early Intervention services.

Coal-fired power here to stay as Energy Market warns of early closure impact

Reports from the Australian Energy Market Operator have warned the countries power network will become far too expensive and unstable if coal-fired power stations close prematurely.

The report has called for current coal-fired power generators to remain open to the end of their technical life, however has warned against the opening of new stations.

Energy storage has also been highlighted as a key need over the next 20 years, in order to ensure flexibility and reliability of supply