Ipswich Councillor Demands Fair Compensation for Sacked Councillors
Councillor Paul Tully has written a submission to the parliamentary committee to compensate Ipswich city councillors who are about to sacked.
In a bill being pursued by Local minister Stirling Hinchliffe, the entire Ipswich council would be sacked follow a corruption scandal including staffed workers and elected officials.
9AM Zedlines
This is Jaz and Isla with your 9AM Zedlines.
Image Source: White House
Facebook's Shares Crash in History Making Fashion
Facebook made history with having the biggest stock-market wipeout in American history, with their shares plummeting 20 per cent of their value on Thursday, translating to about a 124 billion dollar decline in market capitalisation.
The collapse came after 16 brokerages cut their estimated price targets on Facebook, after the Chief Financial Officer David Wehner startled analysts by saying that Facebook is expected to suffer long-term profit margin reduction.
Pakistani Opposition Wins In Spite of Poll Rigging Accusations
Former Pakistan cricket legend turned opposition member, Imran Khan, claimed victory on Thursday in the country's elections, in spite of poll rigging accusations.
While results are still being tallied, Khan’s supporters have taken to the streets to celebrate winning an election that opponents have said the Pakistani military rigged in his favour.
Secretary, Babar Yaqoob, said that the election was conducted in a fair and free manner, adding that observers from a European Union mission were included in the voting process.
Fairfax and Channel Nine draws Criticism
Fairfax Media is set to be taken over by Nine Entertainment under a deal that has the support of the current prime minister but not by former prime minister, Paul Keating.
Nine's chief executive, Hugh Marks, vowed to maintain Fairfax's independence after his company announced the merger on Thursday morning, but his words were dismissed by Keating, who accused Fairfax's board of management of selling out.
Study of Colonial Massacres to Hit 500 Mark
Researchers at the University of Newcastle are charting Colonial Frontier Massacres that were verified and recorded from 1788 to 1930.
The study currently has 250 confirmed massacres, however this number could double to 500 by the end of the investigation.
Historian Lyndall Ryan said documenting the massacres was important to determine how violent Australia’s frontier history actually was.
QLD Rail Lashed more than Half a Million Dollars from Overtime
Queensland Rail has slashed more than half-a-million dollars from its train drivers' annual overtime bill.
Since the 2017-2018 financial year, the driver overtime bill has decreased by 4.3% from the previous year, with worked overtime hours also decreasing by 8.2%.
The Strachan inquiry revealed these decreases are due to Queensland Rail train drivers performing unsustainable hours of overtime, which contributed to widespread train cancellations.
Humpback Whale Caught in Fishing Tackle Travels from Victoria to Queensland
A Sea World rescue team has saved a humpback whale off the coast of North Stradbroke Island, after being alerted to a large adult whale which was wrapped in rope and buoys.
The whale, which was partially untangled on Tuesday, had been dragging commercial fishing tackle all the way from northern Victoria.
Marine scientist Trevor Long said the rescue team had been unable to remove some of the tackle and rope, which was caught behind the whales pectoral fin.
8am Zedlines
8am Zedlines with Jaz and Max.
Source: Flikr
New Zealand Introduces Paid Domestic Violence Leave
New Zealand has passed a bill to give domestic violence victims ten days of paid leave on top of existing holiday and sickness entitlements.