Jamie Hutchings: Bedsit

- Jamie Hutchings is what you'd call a 'lifer'. Having formed the classic (and underappreciated) Bluebottle Kiss in the early ‘90s, he's spent the intervening decades following his muse in that band, the somewhat similarly-minded Infinity Broke, and the recent The Tall Grass, a collaboration with Crow's Peter Fenton. In between he's released a handful of solo records, ranging from the dark debut of 2002's The Golden Coach to the lush pop of 2008's His Imaginary Choir.

Andrew W.K.: You're Not Alone

- For a brief period in time Andrew W.K. was heralded for creating semi-serious, life-affirming, singalong pop-metal anthems that at one very specific moment in time, saw yours truly caught up the friendliest circle pit I’ve ever entered at a Big Day Out. The teenage version of myself was in awe of his ability to party so hard, yet be so affable and kind hearted in doing so. Whenever some poor soul took a tumble, there were a gluttony of angels there to pick you up and not a single human was stomped and seemingly no one was groped by a mosh pit pervert.

11am Zedlines

Your 11am Zedlines with Shaina and Daneka.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Listeria Crisis in South Africa

Several countries have announced they are suspending all chilled meat imports from South Africa, following a listeria outbreak; the same bacteria that has been responsible for the rockmelon saga at home.

Listeria, a bacteria originating from soil, animal feces and vegetation, has been traced-back to a meat processing factory near Pretoria.

People are being encouraged to not buy processed meat as 948 people have so far contracted the disease and 180 people have died.

German gender neutral anthem

Germany equality commissioners are calling for the national anthem to represent gender balance.

Equality commissioner, Kristin Rose-Moehring, is campaigning for the stanzas containing the word ‘fatherland’ to be changed to ‘homeland’.

Officials from the Christian Democratic Party have expressed their disapproval for the change to two hundred and twenty two year old song, with women in the party saying they have never felt excluded by the anthems wording.

Work study reveals sexual harassment and gender inequality in Australian workplaces

Less than a third of young Australian women believe they are treated equally to men according to a new university survey.

The University of Sydney survey has revealed far more women are holding off having children or giving up on starting families to safeguard their careers.

The survey also stated one in ten women surveyed have, or are experiencing sexual harassment in their workplace.

Queensland council to set up a cassowary breeding facility

A Far North Queensland council is looking into setting up a breeding facility for their local icon - the endangered cassowary.

With less than 1,500 cassowaries in the wild, the Mayor of the Douglas said his council is firmly dedicated to preserving the dwindling population from car accidents and predator attacks.

90% of local residents surveyed believe that wild pigs are the biggest threat to cassowaries, and many suggested efforts could be better spent in pig hunting or baiting pigs with contraceptives or poison.

Is this your shipping container? Please collect from undetermined offshore location

A shipping container has been discovered floating in the ocean off the sunshine coast.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has been trying to hunt down the boating hazard since it was first sighted on Friday.

The area has been labelled high risk, and fishermen are being warned to remain vigilant of the slow-moving but damaging runaway cargo.