- Tiersman pull no punches. Tiersman aren't trying to please you.

Tiersman are here to tell you how much of a waste of space you are.

Tiersman can see that look in your eyes, they see you inspecting your shop window reflections, trying to maintain the pile of lies you call your life, and they're imploring you to let it fall apart.
But, they feel all of your pain, your frustrations, your perpetually empty bank account, your idiot boss, your failure, and your fear of failure.

Emerson Snowe: Emerson Snowe Plays Covers

- This one is a curve ball, no doubt, but one you won’t want to let slip through to the catcher. Emerson Snowe is the solo moniker of Jarrod M. Mahon, who happens to be the bassist in everybody’s favourite little indie-band-that-could, The Creases. I can’t be one-hundred-percent, but I’m pretty sure that anyone who likes the infectious pop of The Creases is going to snap together with the Emerson sound easily enough, even though it’s a quite substantially different one.

Thousands of dead fish wash up on British beaches

Thousands of dead starfish have washed onto British beaches, following sub-zero temperatures that froze the country.


Locals have captured the dead sea creatures in videos posted to social media, including lobsters, crabs, seagulls and fish.


The UK's Marine Conservation Society says the cause appears to be a combination of the extreme cold where the shallow water has frozen, and the depth at which storm waves have penetrated.

Genetically modified food helping countries without water

Using genetically modified foods could help countries that are running out of water.


A team reporting in the Nature Communications journal claims that a GM tobacco crop uses twenty five per cent less water for essentially the same harvest.


The researchers used tobacco crops as a test, but believe it has wide applications as the protein they modified is found in all plants.

Kangaroo culling documentary under criticism

A kangaroo cull documentary is being criticised for potentially crippling the kangaroo export market.


The film, Kangaroo: A Love-Hate Story, has been screened throughout the US and questions whether Australia is at risk of pushing the kangaroo to extinction.


However, the filmmaker, Michael Mcintyre, said he was only hoping to start a discussion and address the concerns of many of the future of kangaroos.

Gun lobbyists are investing more money in Queensland politics

Australian gun lobbyists have invested more than $500,000 in political parties in a push to weaken gun reforms.


To win seats in the Queensland state election, branches of the Sporting Shooters Association have pumped thousands of dollars into the war chests of One Nation and The Katter Australian Party.


In a statement, Sam Lee from Gun Control Australia said that the involvement of gun lobbyists in political parties is growing, using a National Rifle Association approach in an attempt to weaken current gun laws.

Queensland sparky catches python after it ate the cat

A Queensland electrician captures a python after it eats the family cat.


BME Electrical Services electrician Brydie Maro was called to the job in Mossman and eventually wrangled the eight kilogram snake, releasing it into the bush land.


Maro, a former wildlife handler, is no stranger to removing snakes, having previously having removed snakes from customers switchboards.

Gearing up for International Women's Day

Many organisations and communities are gearing up for International Women’s Day events, which are being held this Thursday the 8th of March.


There are breakfasts being held across the state including one at the University of Queensland. The Queensland University of Technology is hosting a panel and market stalls, with many societies getting involved with their own events.


Get searching online for more details on what’s on near you.

Review: Permission to Speak

Chamber Made’s ‘Permission to Speak’ played the Brisbane Powerhouse Theatre as part of the Australian Performing Arts Market (APAM) schedule for 2018. If you’ve not heard of it, APAM showcases contemporary performing arts to the international sector. This work is certainly one you can imagine touring the world.