Australians are getting dumb and costing us the big bucks

A new analysis by the Public Education Foundation has said Australia’s declining performance in maths, reading and science will cost $120 billion over the next 45 years.

The analysis claimed kids at the top end of the system have better access to teacher coverage and resources, whereas the bottom 10 percent of students have fallen one and a half times as much as those in the top decile.

This is the first time the foundation has linked students’ results as an impact on the economy.

Explosive Device Found In Footwell Of Car At Shopping Centre

Two people have been taken to an Ipswich watch-house after an explosive device was found in their car.

The pair are known to police, and were searched after City Safe network operators noticed their number plates did not match their vehicle.

Police confirmed they found a "fairly large glass jar" containing explosive liquid, and are charging the man with ‘manufacture of explosives without authority’ and the woman with fraud, uttering and forgery among other charges.

Hop Along: Bark Your Head Off, Dog

- In the era of Run For Cover, Topshelf, and even on our own shores, Poison City records affiliated acts bringing emotionally heavy bands that oft are birthed in the D.I.Y scene out of the basement shows, and away from stage divers, the market for indie folk and folk punk bands has now become a flooded one. It might sound like a band thing but there is where Hop Along flourish.