Astronomers peek at Cosmic Dawn in Western Australia

A group of American Astronomers have glimpsed the first stars of the Big Bang through a small radio telescope in Western Australia.

The Astronomers received a faint radio signal from 13.6 Billion years ago, which showed frigid temperatures and an unusually pronounced wave that could be elusive dark matter, which scientists have been hunting for decades.

Finding a signal from these early stars has been likened to “hearing the flap of a hummingbird's wing from inside a hurricane” said Peter Kurczynski from the National Science Foundation.

Speed limits decrease on M1 for Commonwealth Games

Brisbane and Gold Coast drivers will need to lower their speed by 10 kilometres per hour on the M1 from today or prepare to face hefty fines.

In an attempt to improve road safety ahead of the Commonwealth Games in April, the 110km/h speed limit on the busy motorway will be dropped to 100km/h and 100km/h dropped to 90km/h.

Transport Minister Mark Bailey says considering its extensive advertising there will be no grace period, the new speed limits will be enforced immediately and the Queensland Government are unapologetic for it.  

War of Words Over Western Suburbs Bridge

Minister for Transport and Main Roads Mark Bailey has accused Brisbane City Council of neglecting Western suburbs residents in their go-slow approach to upgrades for Jindalee’s Centenary Bridge and Indooroopilly’s Walter Taylor Bridge.

The RACQ told Fairfax Media on Monday both bridges must be duplicated within 10 years to stop adding “billions of dollars to the city’s congestion costs.”

Chinese President plan's to scrap Presidential term limit

Chinese President Xi Jinping's plan to scrap the Presidential term limit in the authoritarian ruled nation has angered the Chinese public.

President Xi’s move away from a consensus rule to presidential power and indefinite terms put into jeopardy the stable rule in China in the changing modern era.

Some citizens believe this move represents a return to the imperial style rule of Mao, President Xi will hope for continued stability in the country as China continues to establish itself a world powerhouse.


French MP Shares Racist Letter

French MP Laetitia Avia is trending on Twitter in France after sharing details of a racist letter which has highlighted enduring racial tensions in the country.

Ms Avia, whose parents are from Togo in western Africa, condemned the letter while using a hashtag translating to ‘Don’t let anything pass.’

Interior Minister Gerard Collomb and Gender Equality Minister Marlene Schiappa both denounced the`letter which was labelled a “heinous racist attack.”

Wooloworths under fire over privacy breach via pokies

Woolworths is currently under investigation after claims that staff have been secretly collecting personal details from gamblers to keep them playing longer.

The New South Wales gaming regulator said that Liquor and Gaming New South Wales is investigating the allegations as this act is a clear breach of the Responsible Conduct of Gambling.

The investigation began after a whistleblower leaked screenshots of a database used by over 400 pubs profiling regular poker machine users, including entries on favourite beverages and sports teams.


National Listeria Outbreak Linked to Rockmelons

Rockmelons from a farm in New South Wales have been linked to two deaths among 10 cases of listeria nationwide, including three in Queensland.

The victims fell ill between 17 January and 9 February, with the company responsible for the outbreak ceasing production on 23 February.

Listeria is a bacteria which is particularly dangerous for pregnant women and people with compromised immune systems.

New South Wales food authorities recommended rockmelon be thrown away if the source of the fruit can’t be confirmed.


Cyclists Victims of "Mantraps"

Brisbane cyclists believe they are victims of “mantraps” after coming across thumbtacks glued to metal strips along their favorite riding spots this past month.

Bicycle Queensland CEO Anne Savage said cyclists could be killed riding over thumbtacks deliberately left on the ground and those who commit the act will be found and charged with the full force of the law.

Throughout February four instances were reported when cyclists riding through Wynnum, Manly and Birkdale punctured their tyres after riding over thumbtacks left on the ground.

Local event mourns disabled persons harmed/killed by Carers

At seven-pm this evening outside Brisbane Square Library an event is being held to mourn persons with disability killed and harmed by a carer or family member.

According to the event organisers, in Australia over five hundred and fifty persons with disability have been killed by parents, carers and relatives over the last five years; with one hundred deaths occurring during the past twelve months

Sentencing in many of these cases is light. Furthermore, the abuse of people with disabilities is underreported and rarely successfully prosecuted.