German Government approves cities right to ban Diesel motors

Germany’s top administrative court ruled that cities have the right to ban diesel motors in order to improve air quality levels.


The historic decision could affect up to 12 million vehicles with environmental campaigners celebrating the change.

The ruling upholds the current ban of diesel motors in two of the most polluted German cities.

One in Six Australian women are still being abused

One in six Australian women are still physically or sexually abused by their partners, according to a landmark report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.


The report identifies vulnerable groups such as children, young, pregnant and Indigenous women as the most common victims.


It also reveals key gaps in national data as LGBTQI people, individuals with disabilities as well as immigrant and refugee communities being underrepresented within these statistics.

NDIS could owe up to $300 million

The National Disability Insurance Scheme could owe service providers up to $300 million.

Anne Bryce, vice president of National Disability Services and CEO of Achieve Australia, says NDIS could owe New South Wales $120 million  alone, and nationally up to three hundred million dollars.


Bryce said hundreds of organizations are owed significant amounts of money.


Two Hundred Safety Visits later, State Government investigating work site

Two state government safety probes are investigating why trucks have rolled over seventeen times, in Toowoomba’s one point six billion dollar Second Range Crossing.


Transport & Main Roads and Industrial Relations both demanded audits into the project which has already been delayed by four months.


Workplace Health and Safety officers made two hundred safety visits and ordered eighty-seven notices for improvement in the past eighteen months.

Piped gas prices pumped higher

Queensland piped gas prices have been pumped higher than any other state, as we pay 3.5 cents more per megajoule than the national average.


Costs relating to distribution distance and lower usage have been blamed for the price hike, but the commission cost of retailers AGL and Origin is more than double the national average.


The Queensland Energy Minister, Anthony Lynham said he will be studying the report findings to find a solution for Sunshine State residents.

Getting phone reception on the moon

The moon will soon be home to a 4G network.

Vodafone, Nokia and Audi are working towards the first privately-funded moon landing, which will use the new 4G network for high-definition streaming from the moon back to Earth.

PTScientist’s CEO says this infrastructure development is a crucial step in the sustainable exploration of the solar system as humanity reaches for infinity and beyond.

Dementia on the rise in Australia

Two hundred and fifty Australians develop dementia every day according to the latest figures from Dementia Australia.

Approximately 425 000 people in the country live with the incurable condition and by 2056 there will be 1.1 million.

Dementia Australia’s chief executive, Maree McCabe says this rise in dementia cases will impact everyone, but young people will likely face the brunt of the issue.


Australia Leisure and Hospitality Group spying on poker machine users

The Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group is accused of spying on poker machine customers to boost profits.

The allegations suggest that venues are keeping a database of customers’ gambling and drinking habits and the information is being shared through an ALH network.

Federal Independent MP Andrew Wilkie says “the practice increases revenue, but is immoral, possibly illegal, and directly fosters increased gambling addiction.”