Mould outbreak at Nauru Detention Centre

A major mould outbreak at the Nauru Detention Centre has left asylum seekers exposed to fungal bacterial cells that are capable of causing disease.

Department official, David Nockles said this is the first time the department has been made aware of reports regarding mould related illnesses.

Fifty thousand dollars is being spent on an industrial steam cleaner in attempt to rectify the issue.

Taiwan left with an empty roll

Empty aisles have been reported in Taiwan as a result of shoppers bulk-buying toilet paper.

Manufacturers are said to be responsible for this after they released warnings that the cost of toilet paper is set to rise by 10-30 percent next month.

The government of Taiwan is launching an investigation to see if the local toilet paper vendors raised the prices unjustifiably.

SBS adds to its Chinese dating show repertoire

SBS has added another bizarre chinese dating show to their catalogue, and this time the parents are involved.

‘Meeting The Parents: China’ is the title of the show, which boasts robotic chairs, mums and dads choosing on behalf of their children, an orchestra of air horns and, in a remarkable step for mainland china, a transgender host.

Only one episode is currently available on SBS On Demand, having only premiered over the weekend.

Israel being a real mate

It has been confirmed by both Australian and Israeli authorities that Israel intelligence agencies helped avert the Sydney incident where a pair of brothers planned to smuggle a homemade bomb onto an Etihad plane.

At the time, Australian authorities said the brothers backed out of their plan before reaching security for unknown reasons.

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton said during a radio interview that Israel was directly involved in uncovering the brothers and that they were very grateful for the assistance the fellow nation provided.

Prisoners keeping secret pets

Prisoners at Woodford Correctional Centre are also a fan of Australian animals with several being warned for keeping wildlife as pets.

Prisoners were discovered to have been keeping a small lizard, a snake and a quail in the prison, which likely came from surrounding bushland.

The prisoners have been issued with a warning and the animals have been returned to the wild.

Big Game Comes To Ipswich For The First Time

Twenty taxidermy specimens have been dug out of the Queensland Museum archives and wheeled into the Workshop Rail Museum in Ipswich.

The exhibits featured were part of a larger collection which was a Proceeds of Crime seizure by the Commonwealth of Australia.

The exhibition, called ‘A Room For Wild Animals’, went on display Monday and will remain open to the public until the 16th of April.

Brussels announces free public transport on high air pollution days

Brussels has announced they will be making all public transport free on days when the city’s air pollution reaches above a certain level.

The move is part of several measures, including reducing car speed limits and the usage of wood burning stoves as well as banning high polluting cars and electrifying buses.

These measures are all aimed at bringing the air pollution down to levels set by the European Union.

Russian ceasefire in Syrian region of East Ghouta

Russia has reported a five-hour ceasefire in the bombing of rebel-held Syrian region of East Ghouta.

The ceasefire between 9am and 2pm local time allowed wounded civilians to escape through a ‘humanitarian corridor.’

The ‘pause’ by the Russian military follows the 30 day ceasefire across the whole of Syria ordered by the United Nations on the weekend.