One Nation’s Malcolm Roberts to make a bid to return to Queensland Senate

Former One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts will make a bid to return to Federal Parliament at the next election.

Mr Roberts was forced out of the senate last year after the High Court ruled he was a British dual citizen and therefore ineligible to sit in Parliament.

He unsuccessfully ran in November’s Queensland state election as the party fell short of predictions it could win up to 10 seats.


History made as first baby is breastfed in Queensland Parliament

History made as first baby is breastfed in Queensland Parliament

A Labor MP has made political history being the first woman to breastfeed her baby in Queensland Parliament.

Brittany Lauga sat with her three-and-a-half month old baby during the first Parliament sitting in over three months.

Ms Lauga then strapped her baby into a carrier whilst being sworn in.

Drug Trafficking Skyrockets over last decade

Drug trafficking numbers in Queensland have increased by 330 percent in a decade according to a new report

The Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council released the numbers today, showing 413 people were arrested for trafficking in 2015/16 up from 124 in 2005/06.

The report also revealed the average sentence served was slightly more than 4 and a half years, despite the conviction having a maximum sentence of 25 years.

Dentists frustrated with levels of tooth decay in Australian children

Dentists are becoming increasingly concerned with the number of young children requiring multiple tooth extractions due to dental decay.

The most recent National Child Oral Health survey shows dental decay is the most common oral health disease in Australian children, with a third of kids aged between 5 and 6 reportedly suffering symptoms of decay.

Dr Sophie Beaumont from Melbourne’s Royal Dental Hospital says it’s not uncommon for little children to need 12 to 14 teeth removed at a time and experts say consumption of sugar is to blame.

Reflux risk for babies of anxious mothers

According to an Australian study babies of first-time mothers with mental health disorders are almost five times as likely to be admitted to hospital with reflux.

An Australian mother’s anxiety disorder was discovered to be the strongest predictor of whether or not her baby would be admitted to hospital with gastro-oesophageal reflux in the first year after birth researchers at Western Sydney University reported.

ANC remove support for Under Fire Zuma

The African National Congress has withdrawn its support for unde rfire the South African President and has asked he step down.

Jacob Zuma, is currently isolated from his party and risks embarrassing the party once led by Nelson Mandela, if a motion of no confidence passes through Parliament. 

Business leaders have welcomed the ANC’s move, stating the country needs to focus on economic growth while social issues such as unemployment also need attention.

Tonga cleanup begins after Category 4 tropical cyclone

A South Pacific island nation was battered by a Category 4 tropical cyclone just two days ago and now the clean up begins.

Only one other Category 4 storm has ever passed within 200 miles of Tonga - Cyclone Ian in 2014, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s historical database.

Acting Prime Minister Hon. Semisi Sika declared a state of emergency throughout Tonga urging residents to stay where they were to prevent as much injury and to avoid further damage to property or the environment.

Queenslanders to expect more heat waves and treacherous storms

South-east Queenslanders have been hit with scorching heat waves throughout the day and battered by wild weather at night, the state is about to undergo another day of harsh conditions with high temperatures and humidity.

Bureau of Meteorology Senior forecaster Rick Threlfall stated that there may be slightly warmer temperatures today in the south-east although the west will remain the same as yesterday.