Kenya’s opposition leader inaugurates himself

The leader of Kenya’s main opposition party has inaugurated himself as the country’s president in Nairobi overnight. 

Ralia Odinga announced himself as the people’s president in front of thousands of supporters despite warnings from the government that it constituted treason.

Mr Odinga had previously boycotted an election re-run held in October which was won by President Uhuru Kenyatta after previous attempts to hold elections were shrouded in controversy.

Switzerland’s first yodelling degree unveiled

The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has revealed it will be offering a yodelling degree.

LUASA is the first university in Switzerland to have a yodelling degree, Michael Kaufmann, the head of the department of music at the university has expressed how thrilled he is for the course to convene.

Applications open on the 28th of February and three to four students are expected to be chosen.

Forestry grant given to Victorian timber company in last days of Liberal Government

The Tasmanian Liberal Party has come under fire after it approved a $13 million forestry grant during its final days in power.

A deal was struck which will provide Victorian timber company Hermal Group with $13 million as well as a $30 million loan to build a new hardwood mill in the north-western town of Burnie.

The mill is expected to be operational by 2020 and create around 360 jobs during both construction and operation.

School’s new uniform policy - the height of stupidity?

One Brisbane high school has outraged parents of students with the introduction of new uniform regulations which included shoes having to be a height of between 5 and 20 millimetres in the heel.

The Gap State High School had previously alerted the student body of the changes during a school assembly late last year and through the school newsletter.

This hasn’t stopped parents expressing anger on social media, with parent Karen Bishop branding the new rule as utterly ridiculous.

28,000 fewer Australians to be diagnosed with melanoma

A new study has revealed just how beneficial applying sunscreen regularly can be for Australians.

The study conducted by Brisbane’s QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute found through regular sunscreen use, the incidence of melanoma may be reduced by 34% by 2031.

Professor David Whiteman expressed how there would be 28,000 fewer people being diagnosed with melanoma.

Review: Richard O'Brien's The Rocky Horror Show

One of the most notorious shows in musical history increased it’s notoriety before it even hit the stages of Brisbane. 

The main character of Frank n Furter was to be played by Craig MacLachlan who had previously played the role the last time the show was in town. After a range of alleged sexual assaults by Mr MacLachlan surfaced, he was fired from the production. The decision has to be commended by the Company, however as they say the show must go on. 

Zed Announcers' Top Tens For 2017

In no specific order:

#10 Tinariwen: Elwan
#9 Harley Young: Phone Home
#8 John Kennedy: JFK & The Midlife Crisis
#7 Old Crow Medicine Show: Best of Old Crow Medicine Show
#6 Battery Humans: Battery Humans
#5 My Friend The Chocolate Cake: The Revival Meeting
#4 Ramshackle Glory: One Last Big Job
#3 Les Filles de Illighadad: Eghass Malan
#2 Combat Wombat: Just Across The Border
#1 Paddy McHugh: City Bound Trains