Alzheimer blood test

In a world first, an accurate blood test for Alzheimer’s disease has been developed by a team of scientists from Australia and Japan.

The test is able to pick up biological markers in blood plasma that show the build-up of the protein amyloid-beta at least 20 years before symptoms begin.

For 30 years, Professor Colin Masters from the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health has been studying Alzheimer’s and said the blood test will make diagnosis easier, cheaper and more broadly available.


Hong Kong drowning in rubbish

Mountains of newspaper, cardboard, and office scraps are piling up in Hong Kong after a Chinese ban on 24 types of unprocessed rubbish imports left the city stranded with its trash.

Last year Hong Kong exported 90 percent of it recyclables to China and has no effective recycling industry of it own.

Hong Kong’s 7 million inhabitants produce 5.6 million tonnes of landfill annually, little of which is recycled.


Mystery tools found in India

The excavation of more than 7,000 stone tools in India has left archaeologists confused about who made them.

The scrapers, blades and points made with an advanced stone-shaping technique were dated to about 385,000 years ago, almost 250,000 years earlier than experts thought the techniques were first used.

The lack of fossil evidence means it’s difficult to pinpoint who made the tools, but archaeologists said it was probably not modern humans.


Taiwanese fruit ban clarified

The Tasmanian government has clarified the Taiwanese ban on fruit imports from the state this morning.

Yesterday, it was announced Taiwan had banned the importation of all Tasmanian fruit due to concerns about fruit fly, however it is now understood it is just fruit grown in identified exclusion zones.

The state is experiencing an unprecedented crisis after the pest was found in two separate locations.


ASIO pays ABC early morning visit

ASIO officers are reported to have visited the ABC’s Brisbane studios around 1am this morning.

The officers sought to secure the classified Cabinet documents recently discovered in two locked filing cabinets at a second-hand furniture depot in Canberra.

This huge national security breach is said to be the largest of its kind in Australian political history and while the ABC still has access to the documents, negotiations are currently underway between the national broadcaster and the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.


Brisbane residents encouraged to reduce food waste

Brisbane city council has joined a global movement called Love Food Hate Waste, and are encouraging residents to reduce their food waste.

Brisbane residents alone throw away 97, 000 tonnes of food into landfill each year, which is equivalent to one in five shopping bags.

The initiative will be broken up into six, week long challenges designed to help educate people how changes in their routine could help reduce their contribution to landfill.

Prime Minister to issue tax cuts to middle income earners

The Prime Minister is issuing tax cuts to middle-income earners, with big businesses at the heart of his bid to win back voters.

Malcolm Turnbull will be in Toowoomba today delivering his first major speech of the year on his government attempting to cut taxes of major businesses, cutting company taxes to 21 percent and a coalition push for personal tax cuts.

This is a clear sign Mr Turnbull has his sights on the next Federal election which is set to be in the next 12 months. 

Iranian women speak out

Iranian women have been photographed defying the country’s laws by having their hair uncovered and waving headscarves on the end of sticks in a new campaign speaking out against degradation.

The campaign which has emerged on social media began in December when a young woman was photographed standing on top of an electricity box, long hair uncovered and waving her headscarf.

The woman in question, Vida Movahed was arrested but was released on Monday and there has since been an explosion of posts on social media of young women following in her footsteps.