Queensland Drug Courts will commence operating in the Brisbane Magistrates Court

Drug users facing incarceration will now be able to swap jail time for rehabilitation with the reinstatement of the Queensland Drug Courts.

Queensland Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath said that the relaunched court would not be a “soft option” saying that the offenders’ prison sentence will only be suspended if they undertake the treatment order.

Currently, there will be only one Drug Court operating in Queensland based in the Brisbane Magistrates Court building.

Zed Announcers' Top Tens For 2017

Kangding Ray -  Hyper Opal Mantis

Rocks Foe - Legion

Mumdance & Logos - Move your Body (Perc Remix)

Dungeon Acid / Russell Haswell

Various - Dys Functional Electronic Music

Industrial Strength Records 25 years compilation - No Tears For The Dead

Various Artists - Ten Years of I Love Acid

Detboi - Secrets

Duran Duran Duran - Duran

Orgonon Pit - S-T

Pan Daijing - Lack

Somali Extract - Pareidolia

Sote - Sacred Horror In Design

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