Robot fail

A robot hired in the Margiotta supermarket in Edinburgh, UK has been fired after a week because he was scaring away customers.

The child-sized robot, Fabio was part of an experiment organised by Heriot-Watt University, and was designed to give out free samples and direct shoppers in store.

However, the experiment backfired as customers were put off by Fabio’s overzealous manner and vague answers to queries.

Britain set to tackle fake news

Britain is set to create a new unit to try and counter so-called fake news and deter disinformation attempts made by other states.

The move comes after Prime Minister Theresa May accused Russia of interfering with elections and broadcasting fake news to try and undermine western institutions.

The announcement was made during a meeting for the National Security Council, however no information regarding how or where the unit will be run has been released.

Film 'Sweet Country' released on Aus Day eve

An Australian Indigenous director has released his film, ‘Sweet Country’, on the eve of Australia day based on the history of Australia.

Director Warwick Thornton said he likes films that make an audience work, and invites Australians to watch this film to learn more about the Australian history.

The film riffs on the western genre and is based on true events.


Crypto-gold in Perth

In an effort to entice investors back to precious metals, the Perth mint is developing its own cryptocurrency to be backed by physical precious metals.

Perth Mint chief executive Richard Hayes, said the volatility of cryptocurrency investment makes it a risk for most investors, but the gold backed alternative could prove a success.

The new crypto-gold will make it easier for investors to buy and sell with the confidence of knowing their investment is entirely traceable.

Last stage of Veloway Cycleway gears up

Companies have been invited to tender the final stage of the Veloway Cycleway, the $45 million project designed to improve Brisbane cycling.

Stage E will see an elevated bicycle freeway from Birdwood Road, Holland Park, to Gaza Road, Tarragindi and will complete the massive, dedicated 17 kilometre long cycleway between Eight Mile Plains and the CBD.

Disruption to residents within surrounding areas are expected, as well as delays for motorists once construction is underway mid this year.

Slavery in Thai fishing industry

Humans Rights Watch documents are reporting that migrants are being physically abused and trafficked to work on Thai boats in the fishing industry.

These workers are not paid on time and paid less than the minimum wage, and reports say anyone trying to escape the slavery are beaten and sometimes even killed in the presence of others.

Due to its trafficking persons report, Thailand has been put on the United States “Tier 2” watchlist.


Australia to push for a one-on-one trade deal with the UK

Trade Minister Steve Ciobo has confirmed Australia will continue to pursue a direct trade agreement with the UK once they have exited the UK despite Britain expressing interest in the Trans-pacific partnership.

Mr Ciobo said the fact the UK wants to be a part of the agreement shows it is a high-quality trade agreement.

The eleven countries remaining party to the agreement after Trump pulled out last year are expected to sign in March in Chile.

Banks still putting profit ahead of customers

Corporate regulator, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), has conducted a survey of conflicts of interest within the big banks and AMP, ahead of the Royal Commission which is due to start in February.

The survey found that seventy-five per cent of the files reviewed by ASIC, in which a recommendation was made to switch to an 'in-house' product, failed the best interests test.

Causes of road deaths

New research into the trends and causes associated with road deaths has found seven out of 10 fatalities on the roads are men.

Experts said this was because men are more likely to be aggressive and take risks on the roads, but add more men drive than women, with eighty five per cent of workers in road freight transport are men.

But avoiding the driver's’ seat doesn’t necessarily mean you’re safe, with passengers, pedestrians and cyclists accounting for forty three percent of deaths.