Petrol prices rise during first week back at school

Queensland’s Premier has accused the big fuel retailers of price gouging during this first week of the school year as prices have risen around 20 cents per litre over the past week.

The average price in Brisbane for unleaded is 1.49 which is 12 cents higher than the average Sydney price.

CEO of Australasian Convenience and Petroleum Marketeers Association Mark McKenzie says Brisbane’s 30 to 40 day fuel cycle is responsible for the sharp rise.

However, Premier Palaszczuk stopped short of approving  RACQ’s calls for a boycott.

Palestinian MPs protest Vice President Pence’s speech to Israeli government

Palestinian members of the Israeli government were kicked out of parliament on Monday for protesting a speech given by US Vice President Mike Pence.

Mr Pence became the first US Vice President to address the Israeli Knesset and was interrupted by protesters shouting ‘Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine’.

Protesting MP Jamal Zahalka stated Palestinians protested the speech because they oppose the recent decision of President Trump to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and said Mr Pence is an unwanted visitor to the region.

Egyptian army veteran detained after announcing political ambition

A former chief of staff in the Egyptian army has been detained after announcing his intention to run for the Presidency.

Sami Anan who served between 2005 and 2012 had announced his intention to run against incumbent President Sisi on social media earlier this month.

However, he has been accused of a number of indiscretions by the military including violating Egypt’s military code, running for the post without permission and forging documents.

Fines for lengthy hospital waiting times criticised

The South Australian government has been criticised for its policy to fine hospital departments if they exceed waiting time targets.

No patient should spend more than 24 hours in the emergency department according to the policy.

In his annual report, principal community visitor Maurice Corcoran questioned whether imposing $1000 fines on the mental health ward at Adelaide’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital was any value, saying it created problems further downstream.

Federal government pledges $26 million to cancer research

The Federal Government will invest $26 million into 19 clinical trials in an effort to improve the low survival rate for rare cancers and other diseases.

The amount set to be invested into the trials is double that initially flagged by Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt when he called for applications last year.

Only 12 percent of the available research funding is given to solving rare cancers, despite them being responsible for more than half of all cancer deaths in Australia.

Construction of promised youth mental health centre delayed

The Queensland state government’s promise to begin construction on a youth mental health facility by the end of 2017 remains unfulfilled.

Queensland Health Minister Steven Miles says the construction of new car park facilities at The Prince Charles Hospital which commenced last November have delayed construction on the new mental health centre.

According to Queensland Health, the new mental health facility for adolescents will cost between $12 million and $15 million dollars, and is expected to be ready by 2020.

Operation ‘Papa Achieve’ thwarts crime in Cairns

More than 80 people have been arrested since a crackdown on youth and property crime in Cairns was launched in September 2017.

Police Minister Mark Ryan said the intelligence based operation is designed to target crime hotspots, while also praising the various arms of the police force involved in the crackdown.

Statistics gathered by the police shows the outcome of this crackdown, with a decrease in the number of robberies, property damage, drug offences and trespassing in the first quarter of the 2017-18 financial year.

Anti-Adani activist blocks train tracks to coal port

An environmental activist is obstructing the path of coal trains to a port owned by Adani in Far North Queensland.

Earlier this morning, Brisbane student and member of Frontline Action on Coal, Tayla Jay Haggarty, suspended herself above train tracks running to the Abbot Point Coal Port, north of Bowen,in a bid to protest Adani’s coal mining.