Debate sparked after five year old was left on the bus.

There has been heated discussion over  what is an acceptable age to allow children to catch public transport alone after a five year old was found locked inside a bus at a southside depot after falling asleep

Associate professor Allan Ralph from Triple P Parenting states it depends on the individual child, while chief executive of Parents and Citizens Queensland Kevan Goodworth says the incident shows the need for vigilance.

Mr Goodworth continued by stating his belief that catching a bus is an exercise which can build resilience.

Coalition divided on attitudes towards electric cars

Federal Transport Minister Barnaby Joyce is opposing a move to prohibit the sales of new petrol and diesel cars, following debate within the government whether to endorse the electric car industry in Australia.

Earlier this week, Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg stated his strong support for the future of electric vehicles industry, despite opposition from conservative fellow party members.

New Trade Deal for Australia and 10 other countries

Australia and 10 other countries will sign a revised Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal later this year in Chile.

Federal Trade Minister Steve Ciobo states it will create new jobs and drive Australian exports with the new deal to eliminate more than 98 percent of tariffs in a free-trade zone.

This new deal known as the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership will include bilateral trade deals for Australia with North American countries Canada and Mexico.  

Second group of Manus refugees resettled in the USA

A group of asylum seekers who were detained on Manus Island have been moved to the United States for resettlement.

According to local media, the group of about 40 men, most of whom were from Afghanistan and Pakistan, left the Papua New Guinean island on Tuesday.

They were the second group of refugees to be resettled in the US following a resettlement deal between the Australian government and Obama administration.

Calls for Germany to stop exporting arms

Germany’s government is being called to stop exporting arms to Turkey after German made Leopard tanks were being used against the Kurdish YPG by  Turkish armed forces.

There were reports last week which stated the German government was going to approve a request from Turkey to retrofit Leopard 2 tanks to better protect them from explosives.

Zed Announcers' Top Tens For 2017

In no specific order:

#10 Jim Ottaway: Deep Space Blue
#9 Alice Cooper: Paranormal
#8 Monster Zoku Onsomb: Kraka Boom
#7 Jungle Giants: Quiet Ferocity
#6 Go Go Sapien: Love in other dimensions
#5 Dreamtime: Strange pleasures
#4 Dr Bombay: Spit you out
#3 Basement Spacemen: Landed
#2 Bad//dreems: Gutful
#1 The Stress Of Leisure: Eruption bounce

Zed Announcers' Top Tens For 2017

Ordered from least to most favourite:

#10 No Class: Boot Boys
#9 Glue: Glue
#8 Chelsea Wolfe: Hiss Spun
#7 Death Church: Black Books
#6 Master Blaster: Pass Out
#5 Total Ruin: Demo
#4 Shackles: Lifeless Paradise
#3 Poverty and Spit: Poverty and Spit
#2 Battery Humans: Battery Humans
#1 Robber: Robber

Falls Festival

- 2017’s New Years Eve found me falling off a roof. How fitting that my introduction to 2018 would be at Byron Bay’s leg of The Falls Music and Arts Festival. Sharing the site and programmers of bigger sister festival Splendour In The Grass, Falls is provides a lush, green, safe haven for music lovers to ring in the new year with 16,000 of their closest friends.