Russian arson attack

Russian human rights group Memorial has fallen victim to an arson attack in the country’s south overnight.  

CCTV of the incident shows two masked men climbing into the group’s building in the early hours of the morning, and then sparks flying from the windows shortly after.

Memorial says its part of an attempt to drive them out of the area, as they have angered Chechyna authorities over their reporting of disappearances, torture, and punitive house burnings.

Cryptocurrency prices crash

Investors have rushed to sell off their Cryptocurrencies amid fears of a major regulatory crackdown in South Korea.

The price of Bitcoin fell by more than 20 percent to $US11000 after the South Korean Finance Minister announced that a ban on trading Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple was a definite possibility.

The price of Bitcoin peaked in December at $US20000 and has suffered a series of sell-offs and losses since.

New online gambling tax in Victoria

The Victorian government will be the next state to follow South Australia’s lead in implementing a tax on punter losses.

Since South Australia implemented a 15 per cent tax last year all states have agreed to the idea, but there is a push for the Victorian tax to be lower given the amount of money corporate bookmakers already pay to Racing Victoria.

However, others are concerned a lower tax could make the state a prime target for gambling advertisement.

Laidley racehorse saleyards investigation

The Lockyer Valley Regional Council have voted to postpone any decision to suspend activity at the Laidley Racehorse Saleyards despite animal welfare concerns.

The RSPCA and Biosecurity Queensland have launched an investigation into the saleyards after receiving multiple reports animals were left without water or shade during the sales held on December 30.

The council said it is looking at all possible options, including suspension, but will hold off any decision until they speak with management tomorrow.


QR human rights exemption application under review

Queensland Rail has remained tight-lipped about what they will do if their new 18 train fleet is completely pulled off the tracks should the Australian Human Rights Commission deny their application for a discrimination act exemption.

Whilst multiple issues to do with the fleet have already been fixed since mid-2016, wheelchair access to the toilets is yet to be rectified, despite 5 of these new models already being on the tracks.

Zed Announcers' Top Tens For 2017

In no specific order:

#10 Screamfeeder: Pop Guilt
#9 Deafcult: Auras
#8 Ultra Material: II
#7 Airling: Hard To Sleep, Easy To Dream
#6 Darkc3ll: Haunted Reality
#5 I Heart Hiroshima: Dreamin' Heavy
#4 Waax: Wild & Weak
#3 Sabrina Lawrie: Hush The Mountain
#2 Ups & Downs: The Sky's In Love With You
#1 The Steady As She Goes: IV

Zed Announcers' Top Tens For 2017

Ordered from least to most favourite:

#10 Queens Of The Stoneage: Villans
#9 Elba Lane: Arctic
#8 Hobo Magic: The World Today
#7 Faux Bandit: Flex
#6 Smoking Martha: In Deep
#5 Fragile Animals: Light That Fades
#4 PALS: In-Between
#3 WAAX: Wild & Weak
#2 Tai Sui: Contact
#1 Psychedelic Porn Crumpets: High Visceral {Pt2}

Victorian School Leavers now need 65 or better

Victorian school-leavers have to achieve higher ATAR results if they want to become a teacher, with the minimum score required to study an undergraduate course set at 65

The change coincided with a decline of 22 percent in the number of first round offers received by aspiring teachers

Victorian Education Minister James Merlino welcomed the change saying that by raising the bar in order to become a teacher, the standard of teaching will have risen as a consequence.