Early construction on new Valley venue

Early internal demolition has started at the Brunswick Street Mall on what will be Brisbane’s largest inner-city music venue.

Located next to Black Bear Lodge, the venue will hold up to 3500 people and hopes to serve the need left by Festival Hall’s demolition in 2003.

The venue is the latest venture by former Powderfinger bass player John Collins, the current owner and manager of The Triffid.

News Corp dogged by allegations of collusion with NT Government

It has been alleged the NT News’ head honchos struck a deal with the NT Government to monitor emails sent by a former political reporter, with fears his negative reporting could cost the paper advertisers.

An unfair dismissal claim lodged by the reporter, Christopher Walsh alleges the newspaper’s senior editor and general manager entered into a blind copying arrangement with the Department of the Chief Minister chief executive Jodie Ryan.

Czech Government resigns

The Czech Republic’s minority government have been forced to resign after the President, Andrej Babiš, was been accused of misappropriating and abusing an EU subsidy program over a decade ago.

The resignation on Wednesday comes after the Government lost a crucial confidence vote, which the minority government required to win in order to retain power.

The allegations against President Andrej Babis have plunged the Government into turmoil as the resignation has come after only 1 month in office.


PM arrives for Tokyo talks

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull arrived in Tokyo this morning ahead of high-level talks with his Japanese counterpart.

Mr Turnbull said the talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will focus on trade and investment, including the further purchase of Australian-made military vehicles by Tokyo, and attempts to revive interest in the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.

North Korea’s nuclear weapons program is also canvassed for discussion, though Mr Turnbull’s position on economic sanctions has not changed.


Heifer exports halted in Victoria

Live export of dairy heifers from Victoria have been halted by China amid fears of Blue Tongue disease taking hold in the region.

Despite declarations by the Victorian Government that the area is disease free, China is yet to greenlight live exports again, as they are yet to declare the area risk free.

Peaceful Adani protest

Five community members have locked themselves onto coal loading infrastructure north of Bowen this morning, shutting down Adani’s Abbot Point Coal Terminal for the second time this week.

These actions come in the lead up to the Queensland Parliament’s upcoming decision on funding for the billion dollar project set to bring low quality thermal coal expansion in the Galilee Basin.

Protesters said they hoped the government will stick to their decision to veto the loan required for the project to go ahead.


Brisbane to Sunshine Coast fast rail project calls for funding

The North Coast Connect rail project is looking develop a ‘Fast Rail’ 45 minute commute from Nambour to Brisbane.

Fairfax MP Ted O'Brien says 26 national rail submissions were lodged last year in a bid to share in $10 billion of federal funding to improve passenger rail connections between regional cities and towns.

The project is being supported by 26 Federal Coalition MP’s, however it is not yet known if the state Labor Government will support the proposal.

Brisbane City Council u-turn on road closure decision

Brisbane City Council has overturned their decision to close Illaweena Street in Drewvale, south of Brisbane, after twelve hundred residents signed an online petition opposing the closure.

The council closed the street to allow the new Gateway Motorway bridges and a fauna arch crossing to get underway as part of the $450 million Logan Motorway Enhancement Project.

The closure added an extra hour to parents’ commutes dropping their kids off at the nearby Stretton State College.

Victorian medical cannabis trials successful

A clinical trial using imported medical cannabis to treat children with epilepsy has been hailed a success by the Victorian Health Minister.

The treatment is reported to have significantly reduced the severity and frequency of participants seizures.

The Victorian State government has announced that it will fund 60 more treatments over the coming two years, and has called on the Commonwealth to fund any shortfall.