Gene editing reform set to speed up Australian research

Regulatory reform on new genetic engineering techniques will allow Australian scientists to speed up research on health and agriculture.

Raj Bhula, Australia’s gene technology regulator hoped the newer and more efficient forms of gene editing will no longer be considered ‘genetic modification’, as gene editing manipulates existing material, unlike genetic modification which uses foreign genetic material.

Australia's weekend temperatures to exceed 40 degrees

The Bureau of Meteorology has forecast another heatwave over the weekend, with temperatures expected to exceed 40 degrees in some states.

Total fire bans have been declared across South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales, with approximately 10 uncontrolled fires burning in New South Wales alone.

Victorian Emergency Management officials have urged people to be prepared to stay vigilant in regards to heat, fire and water safety.

Austrian government facing protests against anti-immigration policy

Members of Austria’s newly elected right-wing government have come under fire in the last week for statements relating to ‘concentration’ camps for refugees.

Interior Minister Herbert Kickl stated last week that he planned to set up ‘camps’ for refugees ‘to keep them concentrated in one place’.

Although Minister Kickl has since retracted his statement, up to 60,000 people have since taken to the streets in protest against the new government’s hardline stance on immigration.

India’s ruling political party promotes Hindu supremacy

Hindu supremacy was publicly promoted by members of India's incumbent Bharatiya Janata Party, which led to aggression against Muslims and other religious minorities, say human rights groups.

Human Rights Watch claims at least thirty-eight attacks against religious minorities occurred with at least ten people killed in 2017 over the slaughter of cows and trade of beef.

The BJP right-wing government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, failed to prevent or seriously investigate the attacks against the victim, according to the rights group.

Zed Announcers' Top Tens For 2017

In no specific order: 

#10 William Basinski: A Shadow In Time
#9 John Maus: Screen Memories
#8 Pull Out Kings: Sweat Crimes
#7 Gas: Narkopop
#6 Mount Eerie: A Crow Looked At Me
#5 The Caretaker: Everywhere At The End Of Time (Stage 3)
#4 Godtet: Godtet
#3 Spirit Bunny: Spirit Bunny
#2 The Belbury Circle: Outward Journeys
#1 Aphex Twin: London 03.06.17

Zed Announcers' Top Tens For 2017

In no specific order:

#10 Pnau: Changa
#9 Billy Davis: A Family Portrait
#8 Fever Ray: Plunge
#7 Goldfrapp: Silvereye
#6 Lorde: Melodrama
#5 Gorillaz: Humanz
#4 Kelela: Take Me Apart
#3 Arcade Fire: Everything Now
#2 Cut Copy: Haiku from Zero
#1 The Kite String Tangle: The Kite String Tangle