Review of Ecstasy: Baroque and Beyond

Few christian saints can match the popularity amongst non-believers of Teresa of Avila. Teresa lived a varied and eventful life, but the aspect which enamours her particularly to the world of artists, and that which inspires this exhibition entitled Ecstasy: Baroque and Beyond at the UQ Art Museum; are her mystical visions of encounters with Jesus or angels.

Zed Announcers' Top Tens For 2017

In no specific order:

#10 John Maus: Screen Memories
#9 Vince Staples: Big Fish Theory
#8 Bicep: Bicep
#7 Ariel Pink: Dedicated To Bobby Jameson
#6 LCD Soundsystem: American Dream
#5 Four Tet: New Energy
#4 Billy Woods: Known Unknowns
#3 Milo: Who Told You To Think??!!?!?!?!
#2 Touch Sensitive: Visions
#1 Akufen: Akufen

Dentists trained to spot domestic violence

James Cook University has adopted a program training dentistry students to identify signs of domestic abuse in their patients.

The program, ‘Domestic violence: recognise, respond, refer’ will train students to detect signs beyond the physical head and neck injuries, including psychological, financial, and emotional factors, says Dr Felicity Croker of James Cook University School of Dentistry.

Dr Croker emphasised dentists are not receiving training in counselling, rather they will act as a channel, referring victims to support services.