Large Hail Affecting Queensland

Experts from the Bureau of Meteorology have released new information on the large hail phenomenon affecting parts of Queensland recently, after a record breaking Mango sized hail stone was found North of Mackay

Dr Joshua Soderholm says that hail storms are most common at this time of the year as surface temperatures increase, but strong winds and cooler temperatures in the upper atmosphere are needed to foster hail growth.

QLD Government Rules Out North Stradbroke Island Bridge

The Queensland government has again been forced to rule out a bridge between North Stradbroke Island and the mainland as part of a review of public transport in the area.. 

The idea of a bridge to the island traditionally known as Minjerribah, faced criticism during the review from more than 760 community members consulted.

Rural Product Advocate Condemns Greenpeace

Rural production advocate AgForce has condemned accusations from conservation group Greenpeace that Queensland is becoming a deforestation hotspot ahead of the COP26 summit in Glasgow.

AgForce CEO Michael Guerin described the accusations as malicious and claims Australia’s agriculture industry will pledge to do all it can to further reduce Co2 emissions. 

PM'S Net Zero 2050 Plans

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has unveiled his government’s plans to reach Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050, ahead of the United Nations COP26 climate summit in Glasgow.

Morrison made specific reference to maintaining a balance between reducing emissions and protecting jobs and growth, anticipating the effect decarbonisation will have on the economy.

China's Wine Tartiffs Under WTO Investigation

The World Trade Organization has agreed to examine China’s tariffs on imported Australian wine, amid ongoing political and economic tensions. 

Australia has referred China to the organisation earlier this year arguing Beijing’s decision to impose a five year tariff of up to 220 per cent had caused serious harm to Australia’s wine industry. 

Coastal Property Price Boom

Property prices on the Gold and Sunshine Coasts are expected to overtake Brisbane in the next few years according to the most recent Australian Housing Outlook by Oxford Economics.

The boom comes after a significant increase in interstate buyers have opted to move, making it more difficult for local renters and buyers to budget effectively.