Report: Solar in Australia LNG industry reduces carbon

A research report by Charles Darwin University and National Energy Resources Australia reveals the integration of solar into Australia’s LNG Industry could dramatically reduce our carbon footprint.

The integration scheme tested on Santos’ Darwin facility showed it was economically viable to offset up to 50 per cent of plant emissions.

UQ diseases researcher awarded massive grant

University of Queensland diseases researcher Daniel Watterson will receive $1.25 million in research grant money from the CSL Centenary Fellowship, where he plans to invest in further research to prevent future pandemics.

Professor Watterson said by continuing research into antiviral drugs, better prepares society for the next pandemic. 

Taxpayers will hang onto cost of 2032 Olympics

Taxpayers will hang onto any outstanding debt generated by the 2032 Olympic Games Organising Committee, as stated under new laws introduced to State Parliament.

The Brisbane Organising Committee will be a statutory corporation responsible for the overall management of the 2032 Games, and is exempt from the right-to-information scheme citing the sensitive nature of its duties. 

Report calls for Brazilian President to face charges

A Brazilian Senate Investigative Committee has approved a report calling for President Jair Bolsonaro for nine crimes, including crimes against humanity, related to his handling of the COVID Pandemic.

The 1,300 page document, prepared by the opposition party alleges that 77 people and 2 companies were also guilty of various crimes.