Queensland's $51 Million School Boost

The Palaszczuk Government has granted $20 million dollars to Smithfield state high school, marking the start of a $51 million dollar boosts towards state school infrastructures this financial year.

The school’s brand new centre is for athlete development and performing arts and aims to boosts not only jobs for tradies, but also aims for future job growth in those industries. 

PM's Climate Wrestle

The coalition’s divisive climate negotiations have not yet been resolved, as the Prime Minister wrestles with the National party for consensus over a net zero by 2050 emissions reductions target.  

While the Liberal party has a mandate to adopt the net zero target, the Nationals cabinet is holding out, with members expressing concern about the impact on the regional job market. 

More than 40 Australian Children Facing Detention in Syria

Australian children left behind by Islamic State are facing indefinite detention in north-east Syria with little hope of being released. 

After the fall of the Islamic State in 2019, there are more than 40 Australian children stranded in the desert camp among the thousands of other children whose parents supported Islamic State. 

Kabi Protest at Gympie

Sovereign Kabi people removed by police from a sacred site will take to Gympie’s Department of Transport and Main Roads in protest tomorrow morning.

Kabi protesters had been staging a continuous occupation of Djaki Kundu to prevent a Bruce Highway upgrade they say would destroy and desecrate the Gympie sacred site. 

Schoolies Accommodation Warning

With excitement growing among interstate Year 12 students for the annual schoolies celebrations, the Commissioner for Fair Trading, Victoria Thomson has warned school leavers of the need to carefully review their accommodation booking terms and conditions.

Commonwealth Regional Grants Awarded to Major Cities

Australia’s Auditor General has discovered that more than a quarter of regional grants awarded by the Commonwealth government have actually been awarded to recipients from major cities.

A report released by the Australian National Audit Office on Tuesday has found that more than 27%  of regional development grants awarded since 2018 were to recipients with postcodes in major cities.