Australia lobbied to change Climate Report, leaked documents reveal

Australia sought to change a major international report on climate change to promote a future for coal-fired power and downplay the influence of fossil fuel lobbyists, the environmental group Greenpeace says.

Documents leaked to Greenpeace detail Australia's comments and criticisms of a draft report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is yet to be published.

A Country Practice: I Will Leave This Town While There's Still Light

<p><span><span>- The sentimental glow of A Country Practice’s debut album is more than an ironic referencing of much-loved, low-quality Oz TV drama. It embraces memories of sun-beaten little regional towns and evokes, in a fulsome way, the biggest country burg of all, Brisbane/Meanjin. There’s a lot to take in, from the echoes of aspirational glass towers, to the old country frontices amongst which they're nestled, still lurking along Queen Street.

Research finds that majority of Queenslanders want to introduce daylight savings

New research has found the majority of Queenslanders want to join with their southern state counterparts to introduce daylight savings. 

The University of Queensland’s Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, Thomas Sigler, has contributed with new research showing that 60% of Queenslanders now support daylight savings, growing as high as 70% in the capital. 

Music venues in Victoria say there is no road map to opening Victoria's music venues

Music venues in Victoria have sent out the desperate message that there is no roadmap to reopening Victoria’s music venues. 

The current roadmap ends at 1 person per 4 square meters which is just a fraction of normal licensed capacity. You can have up to 150 people but only if your venue is over 600 square meters which means most venues won’t be opening at all at that level, or be able to trade sustainably.