Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, accused of dealings with QAnon conspiracy theorist

Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, has been accused of being influenced by QAnon conspiracy theorist, Tim Stewart, whilst developing his apology to victims of child sexual abuse.

This comes after the Prime Minister’s extended family expressed concerns about the long-lasting friendship between Stewart and Morrison and reported the link to the National Security hotline several times.

New Government Housing Scheme

The Palaszczuk Government is launching a bold new housing plan backed by $1.9 billion investment and a further $1 billion Housing Investment Fund to boost housing supply and increase housing and homelessness support across Queensland.

The government will pay for about 3,600 new houses over the next four years and is expected to build 6,365 new public housing dwellings by December 2025.

Labor Councillors Resign

Three Labor councillors resigned from Brisbane City Council's bipartisan ethics committee yesterday afternoon, saying it has become a “political weapon without transparency or natural justice”.

Novavax approved in Australia

The Australian government has agreed to purchase 51 million doses of a new COVID-19 vaccine. 

The new vaccine called Novavax, developed in Maryland, America, has been found to be 90 percent effective against COVID-19. 

The vaccine is set to be available to the public later this year.



UK and Australia agree on new trade deal

The UK and Australia have agreed on the first trade deal post-BREXIT after the first meeting between Scott Morrison and Boris Johnson post-covid. 

The trade deal will extend the Working-Holiday VISA age to 35 for both countries and will liberalise imports up to 99%, specifically goods such as Australian beef, lamb and sugar. 

Victoria COVID-19 Update

Victoria has recorded three new COVID-19 cases as the state awaits an announcement on the ease of restrictions today. 

The Victorian health department have said the three new cases are linked to known current outbreaks. 

The three cases come before a possible easing of restrictions on Friday.