New space probe to Venus


Europe has announced it will be joining the space party at Venus.

The European Space Agency has just selected a probe called Envision to explore the second planet from the Sun. 

The ESA joins NASA, who announced its return to Venus with the two probes launched last week, after a chemical found in the atmosphere suggested evidence of life.

Electric buses come to Brisbane

From next week, Brisbane will see four new ‘jacaranda-coloured’ electric buses joining the free city loop route.

The $3.3 million dollar two-year trial is set to determine if electric buses should be implemented.

Brisbane Lord Mayor, Adrian Schrinner, says the electric buses are cheaper to run and put out zero emissions.

Indigenous workers' taking Commonwealth to court

Northern Territory Indigenous Workers have gone to the Federal court and are taking legal action over decades of lost income during the last century.

Shine Lawyers, who have taken the case, said the commonwealth held workers' paychecks in unreleased trust-accounts under so-called ‘protective legislation’ between 1933 and 1972.

Indigenous death in custody case taken to UN

A content warning for the next story, which mentions an Indigenous person who has died in custody.

International human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson is taking the death of an Indigenous man in custody to the United Nations.

Robertson said there was “no proper investigation" into the 2015 death of David Dungay in prison custody.

Fatal Pakistan train collision

A content warning for the following, which mentions death.

Twenty five people have been killed in a train collision in Pakistan earlier this week.

With the total number of injured people unknown, reports from villagers say anywhere from up to fifty people were sent to hospital.

Vigil for Biloela family in Brisbane

A vigil for Tharnicaa, the youngest member of the Biloela family, who were sent to detention on Christmas Island, will take place in the Brisbane CBD this evening. 

Organisers asked federal minister Karen Andrews to use her ministerial powers to bring Tharnicaa and her family home to Biloela, and believe their detention is ‘cruel and unnecessary’.