Pilot plan for welcoming back international students

Under a new pilot plan, the New South Wales government plans to allow two hundred and fifty international students into Sydney each fortnight from the middle of this year.

The students will spend their quarantine period in purpose-built student accommodation before commencing the second semester of their university studies.

Andrée Greenwell: Cinéaste

<p><span><span><span><span><span><span>- Where to begin with <em>Cinéaste</em>? Contemporary-classical composer Andrée Greenwell’s impressive portfolio of scores for film, TV and even live theatre come together in this expansive twenty-two-track digital album with a <em>lot</em> to say.

Alex Macfarlane: Waving

<p><span><span><span>- Alex McFarlane is back in typically self-deprecating form: “Hey folks. New cassette release! Sorry, it’s by me!” Even for a man as prolifically all-over-the-place in his artistry, there’s little here that’s self-indulgent, however.