Devi McCallion & Katie Dey: Magic Fire Brain

<p><span><span>- One day soon I’m going to have to stop looking at new music through the lens of the special horror that is 2020. Not because the year'll be over (please, let it be over), not because it’s not accurate anymore, but just because it’s so bleeding obvious <em>can we talk about something else already?</em> Today, however, is not that day.

Teen activists stopping child marriages as coronavirus puts them at risk

Four million girls are at risk of child marriage in the next two years because of the coronavirus pandemic.   

Global charity World Vision said increasing poverty caused by the loss of livelihoods is likely to drive many families to marry off their daughters early. 

But 16-year-old Dola, one of several young activists in Bangladesh, is working to educate parents about the harm that can be done to children if they are married off at a young age.

Brisbane officer suspended over the death of Indigenous woman Aunty Sherry Tilberoo

A Queensland police officer was suspended following an investigation into the recent death of an Indigenous woman in custody.

Aunty Sherry Tilberoo was found dead in her cell at the Brisbane watch house on September 10 while waiting to be transferred to a correctional facility.

Assistant Commissioner Brian Codd said the Ethical Standards Command immediately started an independent investigation into allegations of failure of duty. But the advice from the coroner remains Aunty Tilberoo died of natural causes.

QUT creates method to make surfaces deadly to coronavirus

Researchers at the Queensland University of Technology have been developing a material that significantly reduces the lifespan of coronavirus on surfaces.

The microscopic spikes reduce survival time for COVID-19 from 72 hours to 6 hours on aluminium alloys used commonly in buildings and vehicles. 

QUT virologist Professor Kirsten Spann said the spikes were more effective on coronavirus than other viruses. But more testing is being done at QUT’s own secure facilities to find out more information.  

Napalm Death: Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism

- Many people have commented on the strange advent of a new Napalm Death record in the middle of the tragedy that is 2020. There was speculation on whether it would happen at all: thanks to vocalist Barney Greenway’s testy statements about when to expect it, bassist Shane Embury stepping back from his touring duties and the band as a whole taking four long years to put it together; that's the longest period they’ve spent on any of their sixteen full-lengths.