CPR 2020 Deathwatch report reveals one horse dies on an Australian racetrack every three days

Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses reported 119 horses were killed on Australian racetracks over the 2019/2020 racing year, most commonly from catastrophic front limb injury.

Campaign Director Elio Celotto said these numbers are only the deaths caused by on-track injuries that make it to the steward's reports.

US Justice Ginsburg’s death causes new political stake weeks before the elections

US Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg died of a metastatic pancreatic cancer last Friday at the age of 87, raising questions of who would replace her. 

US President Donald Trump and the Republican party said they wanted to fill her seat right away to be assured that this government will make the decision.

Survey finds discrimination a dire issue for people living with dementia

A recent survey conducted by Dementia Australia has found that 65 percent of those living with dementia feel that the people they know have been avoiding or excluding them. 

Furthermore, 81 percent of family members, friends. or carers who responded to the survey felt that people in public places treat people with dementia differently. 

Extinction Rebellion Protesters Cycle Through Brisbane Peak Hour Traffic

Climate activist group Extinction Rebellion are conducting a bicycle protest in Brisbane this morning, riding through the CBD in an attempt to disrupt peak hour traffic. 


The protesters, starting at the Kurilpa bridge, will slowly ride towards King George Square, passing through the Queensland Parliament Building.


East-Jakarta burial ground running out of space for COVID-19 deaths

Footage has been released of the expanding Indonesian cemetery in East-Jakarta for COVID-19 deaths. The graveyard was designed as a burial ground for a temporary phase but is now expanding as Indonesia surpassed the expected threshold. The Pondok Ranggon cemetery is recorded to have conducted over 213 burials last week, with the previous weekly average sitting at 180. Monday past saw Jakarta record 1,410 COVID-19 fatalities and are expected to run out of available burial land in October.

Barbados set to claim complete sovereignty late 2021

Barbados’ Governor General Sandra Mason has announced the country is set to become a republic by the end of November 2021. The long-awaited news has been readily accepted by the country as they attained their independence over 25 years ago and are set on officially ridding themselves of ties to colonialism. The tipping point for this decision is said to have arisen from peaking political attention on race relations and the mass anti-racism protests in the United States.