On Diamond: On Diamond

- Melbourne’s getting behind the evolution of Lisa Salvo’s dreamy folk music into a proggy supergroup of sorts, On Diamond. It’s not surprising really, considering that half of the local creative community (Hannah Cameron, folks from Jaala, Grand Salvo, Jazz Party as well as contributions from Evelyn Ida Morris and Joe Talia) are involved, at this point.

Sarah Mary Chadwick: The Queen Who Stole The Sky

- The Queen Who Stole The Sky is the fifth full length release from singer-songwriter Sarah Mary Chadwick. Based in Melbourne and originally from New Zealand, Chadwick has a history of crafting raw and candid narrative songs that don’t shy away from emotionally ripping off the band-aid. The Queen Who Stole The Sky is no exception to this formula, but has a few quirks that separate Chadwick from her contemporaries.

Canine: In Dog Years You're Dead

- In Dog Years You're Dead is the first full length album from Sydney hardcore band Canine. They have, mind you, been around for a while. They've put out a couple of split 7"s, as well as demo release back in 2013. They are also familiar faces from Australia's DIY punk community - singer Tara-Jayne for a long time fronted hardcore band Circuits but also has run the record labels Yellow Ghost and One Brick Today.

Totally Unicorn: Sorry

- Totally Unicorn has been building a bigger profile and they’ve more than definitely earned it. One of a kind live shows, music that sounds like a drunken breakdown, and marketing so ahead of the curve, they might as well have pulled up in a smoking Delorean with several cartons and a keg, the magical, oft-rainbow clad beasts have created a cult following. Dream Life pushed them up from the underground to obtain semi-regular airplay and festival spots over the last few years.

US President claims Wikileaks is not his thing.

US President Donald Trump has claimed to "know nothing about WikiLeaks" despite past praise for the anti-secrecy organisation during his presidential campaign.


Trump praised WikiLeaks more than 100 times during his presidential run in 2016, particularly for their leaking leaking of his opposition, Hillary Clintons, private emails. When the president was asked about the arrest made on thursday he claims to have known very little on the subject.


New human species discovered

A previously unknown species of humans that lived on an island in what is now the Philippines some 50,000 years ago has been discovered.


The species, dubbed Homo luzonensis after the island of Luzon where its remains were found, is not a direct ancestor of modern day humans, but rather a distant ancient relative.


The discovery, published in the journal Nature on Thursday, adds to a growing body of evidence that human evolution is not as linear as was once thought.


Two people escape yacht on fire off coast of Moreton Island

Two people and their dog have had a lucky escape from a burning yacht in waters off Moreton Island in South-East Queensland this morning.


Authorities were alerted to the burning boat on the south-west side of the island just after 5:30am. Police said the 16-metre yacht was well alight when water police arrived.


Queensland Ambulance said paramedics were assessing two patients with smoke inhalation at the Port of Brisbane. It's not known what caused the fire.

Election campaigning begins in west Sydney

Leaders of the Australian electoral parties have flown to western Sydney suburbs on Thursday to begin election campaigning.


Current Prime Minister Scott Morrison has chosen to begin his campaign in John Howard’s home seat of Lindsay with western suburb of Macquarie also expected to receive a visit from ScoMo.


The election was called for May 18th and will see five weeks of campaigning for the electoral parties.

QLD company heads to international competition

Queensland-based company, Starts at 60, are heading to the grand final of a world-renowned startup competition after winning the Australian final in Brisbane this week.


Starts at 60 - Australia’s top media site and e-commerce platform for Baby Boomers - were one of 10 Australian startups chosen to compete in the national finals of the Startup World Cup.


They will battle it out with other winners from 40 nations vying for the ultimate investment prize of US$1 million in capital.