Palestinian officials condemn US funding cuts to UNRWA

The Palestinian President’s spokesperson has called the United States’ withdrawal of UN relief funding a "flagrant assault against the Palestinian people".

UN Spokesperson Chris Gunness said the impact of the funding cut would be widespread, causing some of the most marginalised Middle Eastern communities to suffer.

The US was previously the largest donor to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, but now believes the organisation is "irredeemably flawed".

Katter Party's Forced Staff Removal

Queensland premier Annastacia Palaszczuk could be referred to the Crime and Corruption watchdog after stripping the Katter Australian Party of five staff members.

KAP Queensland state leader Robbie Katter has sought legal advice after Palaszczuk removed the members following federal senator Fraser Anning’s speech in August.

According to the Queensland Criminal Code, a member of parliament cannot directly or indirectly threaten or intimidate any Legislative Assembly member’s opinion.

West End Property Demolition

Several West End commercial properties could be demolished to make way for two 12-storey residential towers.

Aria Property Group has proposed the new development on Jane Street, which will include residential areas, food and drink outlets, and space for shop and office use.

According to the assessment report, the building design is planned to strike a balance between architectural detailing and dynamic greenery.

Ten Cent Milk Levy for Farmers

A lobby group for the dairy industry is calling for the introduction of 10 cent milk levy to aid drought affected farmers.

The Queensland Dairy Organisation has also called upon milk processors such as Parmalat and Norco to guarantee the full levy would flow back to farmers.

QDO President Brian Tessman says that farmers have now come to “the end of their tether”, claiming it is a do or die situation for them.

Iraqi Parliament Reborn

Iraqi politicians have come together in an alliance to give a majority coalition in the new parliament.

Following their first election since the defeat of Islamic rule, Iraqi citizens have had to wait four months before their new government was confirmed yesterday.

The new parliament is set to rebuild the country after three years of war against Islamic state militants, and improve relations between both Iran and the United States .

Nepal Hospital Closure

Many of Nepal’s hospitals have been closed since Sunday, as doctors protest the recent criminalisation of medical negligence.

Health workers halted all services, except for emergency and intensive care, after a new criminal code detailed jail sentences of up to five years for the death of a patient due to negligence.

Nepal Medical Association President Mukti Ram Shrestha says his colleagues will resign en masse if the government fails to amend the laws, or arrests the protesters.

Commercial killing threatens hammerheads

Globally endangered hammerhead sharks are under further threat by commercial killing in Queensland.

Former environment Minister Josh Frydenberg tabled an amendment to reinstate the targeted fishing of hammerheads within the Great Barrier Reef.

Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson is expected to introduce a motion against the legislation in the senate this week.